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1.03 stab backwards.. ridiculous


So who else that visits this forum believes that backstab is just too powerful?  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. So who else that visits this forum believes that backstab is just too powerful?

    • Yes, it\'s too powerful. It needs to be modified somehow
    • No I don\'t think it\'s too powerful

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Okay, throwing in my two cents.


I didn't have a problem with the backstab maneuver until it became the exploited maneuver of 1.03. Now it's ridiculous. I play in FF and NF duels and see this being abused.


I DO think something needs to change. I don't think that it should be a one hit kill, I don't have a problem with a lot of damage, but at 100 health, it shouldn't kill you outright.


The DFA was bad, but this is worse. This really requires absolutely no skill. Push your opponent down, backstab/slash, you win.


And what's worse is the blue stance. There is an exploit I found that can be used that makes it even more ridiculous then the DFA from 1.02.


How bad is this attack? I was pissed off at a CTF server last night because of all the backstabbing going on that I started to do it as well. I killed THREE enemies with one blue backstab.

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I personally dont have a problem with the backstab in light stance, considering of the 2 moves in question it takes more skill to pull off successfully. But what really needs to be changed is that ridiculous pull/sweep tactic, it requires almost no skill. A good way to change this would be to either:


1. Add Lag time to sweep, after you are pulled down.

2. Allow character to get up faster when pulled/pushed down.

3. Don't make it a 1 hit kill.

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Ive just got back from playing and i have to say im thinking about giving up the game already this move is so annoying. People seem to have a new tactic of using pull when very close to you in order to knock you on the floor (everytime) and then use the backstab move. There is nothing you can do against this when sat on your ass on the floor, even jumping out of it isnt possible if the player has practiced enough, something needs to be done about this.


I deffinitly agree abut manual blocking, imo saber fights were better in the old patch it has become far too difficult to get kills (without backstab) due to the auto blocking. When a player blocks an attack they shouldnt be able to attack straight away (you saw it in TPM when someone was on the offensive [last battle - duel of the fates] they attacked many times in a row whilst all the other person could do was block and move into a better position allowing them to attack)

Imo the blocking should require you to be looking (crosshair) in the general area the hit will be coming from.

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The idea of course was to make the saber blows more blockable. Enough said. Skill in blocking is stand still. Right. Making a no skill thing more powerful is never good. Regular stab moves are weak now. Thus making the little spinny junk and backstab SOOOO much more powerful. Keeping your distance is only worthwhile to avoid big moves. Before when i fought, I use to rule using strong and acutally moving my character as I swung thus making it more skillful. Perhaps the tipping was a bit much but it's better than this crap. I was able to create my own personal space that nobody would enter unless they wanted to get whacked or they were fighting me which is how it should be. Now it's just spam. Put on speed and spam and then strong and spam special moves. I use to KNOW when I would kill someone outside of special moves. Now it's up to the computer. They should have made the normal and speed stances more powerful. The special jump forward chop needed to be toned down cause that was gay. That's it. Now I'm just a weakling because I refuse to spam force or use gay special moves. Took the life right out of it for me. I am contacting to get my money back. I kicked a$$ for a long time and now they ruin it. You can't avoid anything. Throw saber. How fun is that crap. no skill.

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Backstab is now what everyone uses versus actually using real swing motions. Before, I won because I not only pressed the freakin button but actually moved my character in a swinging motion. Now it is always blocked. Strong should win out. It takes more skill and is quite slow. Now strong is just slower. It is all ruined. Before if youran into the tip or if I swiped across you died and all you have to do now is stand there and it's blocked then it is a game not worth playing. Some players you had to plan your attack and come after gently. Now it doesnt matter. It's blocked. It is honestly just chaos or special moves. No fun

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Just a little example... Not five minutes ago I was playing on a server with 8 (read EIGHT!!!!!!) people in Team FFA, three on five and do you know what the score was? 114 to 97!!!!!!!!!! and that's in 15 minutes!!!!!!! That's just ridiculous! I mean a total two hundred plus kills in 15 mins and no shafts of chasms in sight (bespin streets map). It shouldn't be like that. It looked like a bunch of helicopters trying to take off. Five people in one swing in yellow stance?! no thanks. I think I will be creating my own saber only server and I'll be kicking anyone who uses the backstab/backslash move. The skill is gone, only the blind runnning backwards and swinging is left. And why in the world did they even make the server Jedi Master level? Nobody uses anything except Force pull and backstab. I am losing faith in the game. I believe that Lucasarts should make some changes to the MP code in the next patch or it will lose some of the fans of MP games. I know for sure that if this butt-stabbing business goes on for much longer JKII will be joining my other games on the shelf to collect dust. Don't get me wrong, I like the game to death, but all those butt-stabbers are ruining the fun of skillfull and prolonged force/saber fights. If I wanted mass carnage and frag counts that go through the roof I would have been playing QIII of Unreal Tourney, because that is exactly what JKII MP has become with this move - a mindless fragfest. gone is that special feeling that you get after successfuly sabering someone after a long and difficult fight, all that's left is frustration and anger at butt-stabbers. I could go on rambling, but I have whined enough I think.


P.S. And I am not a crappy player. Before the swing I used to get 15-25 frags on saber only maps in 20 minutes. Now I don't even get 10. This move has ruined the game for me, but I still do not use it out of sheer unwillingness to be like the butt-stabbers. I want games of skill, not frags....

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The skill is gone, only the blind runnning backwards and swinging is left.





Its realistic, if you had a saber go thru your abdomine you're not going to survive it


That may be, but does it make it fun?


The back attacks NEED to be toned down. Its not a case of changing tactics or anything like that. When a person can win a map with just 1 move, it speaks volumes about the balance of the game. The back attacks hit multiple times with 1 stab/slash on 1 person, a bug that needs to be sorted out if the game is to be kept fun.

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Seems I was originally mistaken about this. I now have to agree with You on the backstab/backslash being a bit to powerful, even considering the disadvantages of making the move.


You who want it toned down are probably right I think.





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I'm personally against the tone down of the backstab. That's what happened to the DFA and it's just messed up. The backstab and DFA are simply bugs. Bugs because they can cover more area with kill effect than the animations imply. If it wasn't for that this move would be totally fine. People could spam it, but it would be much easier to kill assfighters. AS it is they have an advantage because they can cover insivible areas with death. Hell you don't even have to run backwards really.


The over changes to the blocking compound the backstab pheonomna. Because it's hard to hit assfighters too, and the second they get in range they go into backstab mode. Which is fine I'm rarely ever in teh way, it's in the damn counter attack that I get killed doing simply because you can't even get close to a backstaber when he misses. Or at least have to be real damn carefull.


Backstab is simply bugged, like dfa was. Fix the bug, and all will be good. Tone down the blocking a bit.

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SABER FIGHTING COMPLETELY SUCKS NOW. CHANGE IT BACK TO 1.02 ESPECIALLY MEDIUM STANCE!!!! SO REVERT ALL SABERING EXCEPT.......backattacking. THIS IS BULL-POODU!!!! WTF. Backattacking is now a primary, or rather THE primary attack. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the 1.02 was perfect either...here's what I think.

Backattacking should be used as an emeregency protocol when people are directly behind you. It's damage should be HEAVILY LOWERED, but it should go a tad faster with less lag time afterwards.

My main point is that I think it should be "disruptive". I don't mean piercing, but I mean it should stall the person behind you so you can escape OR give you enough time to turn around (and by that time BOTH people be in ready stance). If the other person doesn't have a saber, then it should still stall them but only do MINOR damage!!!!!

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I think.. Damage done to smacking ur light saber into some guys back should be increased 100 fold that way it would still be a skill to do a back turned stab.. while making it more risky for some whore to run around backwards..

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Like everyone else has pointed out the back attack is the only attack most people are using now, people were complaining that the way 1.02 was there was a huge gap between skilled players and noobs, which i am guessing prompted this change. The DFA change which I thought was the "ONLY" good thing in the patch has just now reduced the game to a backwards bumper tag match. The only method i've found to counter the chain pull back attack is to run around with force absorb on 100% of the time, and i never run out of force power because everyone's trying to pull me. Solution, get 1.02 back off the shelf, put everything back the way it was outside of the eax, dual proc issue, dfa fix that's all we needed. Force heal / drain and other force nerfs, it wasn't an issue with the original strong stance. they chain heal wack um once and get it over with ;)

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Phew, I'm glad I'm encountering so much fellow feeling on this :)


I used to really enjoy sabre-only FFA. I didn't always win or anything, but, well, three things really:


1. Even with DFA, it actually LOOKED like other people were fighting. Now 50-90% of people look like Mario with his hammer in reverse. It looks stupid; it looks like an exploit. Pre-1.03 there was a certain panache and style about sabre-only; now it's pathetic to watch.


2. DFA required at least some skill (in that it wasn't executed automatically by just hammering the button), and you could keep an eye out for people on the fringe of fights winding up to use it. These new finishing-moves aren't like that: one second you're fighting someone, the next both of you are in two halves on the floor as a pack of Back-to-Fronts converge out of no-where.


3. People who don't have much sabre skill used to have one option to improve their ranking in a game: practise and improve. Now they have a second: backstab spamming. It might not get them to the top of the table, but it'll get them off the bottom. Maybe one day such people will realise the limitations of the tactic and actually start developing better skills, but until they do servers will continue to suffer from abuse.


And don't get me started about Healing... I'll take that to another thread.

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This move is spoiling the game fo me and I hoep they remove it or reduce its potency in future patches. the 1.03 patch was supposed to make saber fights longer, yet this one ht kill move (on mot occasions) take all fun and skill out of the game. If someone can tell me how to counter this move, please tell me.

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I only have one thing to say. All of you who are complaining about the backstab are pathetic, and are ruining the game. You think the backstab is ruining the game? In 1.02, whiners LIKE YOURSELVES complained about all sorts of things. 1.02 was fine, it was those who could NOT TAKE LOSING or LEARN SOME SKILL that changed everything, and now the **** 1.03 patch is out. BACKSTAB was ALWAYS that strong, even in 1.02, why did you guys not complain about it then? Ohhh..because you had something else to complain and blame your losing streaks on right? How simply pathetic. Keep complaining about this guys, and next patch you'll have something ELSE to complain about and real SKILLFUL players will face the consequences of a CRAP patch due to your STUPID responses. I'm sorry it's true. First you complain about DFA, now this, what's next? hitting 10 damage is too much? You complainers make me sick. Play the game, live with the changes, I hate 1.03 but I still play it and adapt to it. Stop changing the game and trying to get it to revolve around YOU. Just because there are SOME points of the game that YOU can't handle, doesn't mean Raven should change it. Learn to counter it or dodge it.

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Ya, Begger you are damn right.


But anyway I shudder to think of the next patch that will make the last good moves useless and dumb, so that the duels become a "lucky hit battle" and last for hours, boring as hell. ****, even a bot knows how to dodge a backwards stab. They probably gonna make it like the single player moves.


Well, and who knows, maybe they gonna make the guns even weaker as well.

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..It is now obvious that this move completely unbalances the game to a point where all the game involves is running blindly backwards hoping some1 will walk i to u.


Ive been playing games online now for almost 7 years, and ive never seen a patch thats accually made the game corrupt in so many ways.


Saber blocking :- This is a put off straight away as the battles are rediculusly long, when b4 they would go on for about 4 - 6 mins, and now ppl get half way thru a intense battle then go get shield and health, its just pointless to make blocking as definate as it is now.


Ass-Stabbing :- Now this is blatently a bug that has been exploited, and believe me it will get so much worse as more and more ppl start playing online, this needs to be changed to wot Johner has mentioned in this thread, it should be used as a shock move rather than a finishing move. Imagine this, your fighting a guy in front and there is two guys heading towards u behind u, luckly u have noticed them and u pretend not realize, they get close enuf for them 2 attack ur your unprotected back portion, u then surprize them with the backstab move hurting 1 of them, but not killing them, this will shock them and give u enuf time 2 decide on your next action.


General Sabering :- This should be classed as the highest matter of all, as the saber is the 1 unique thing that seperates this game from all others, the saber needs to be the one weapon that if mastered can overcome all weapons. I want at least 5 new moves per stance.


We have 2 turn this thread in 2 a constructive discussion about wot we want changed and how it can be implemented.


Lets build this game the way the people want it.

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1 move i particually hate, and its really annoying

is when someone puts on absorb, then does that jumping 1 hit kill move into a crowd, and then does that sweeping 1 hit kill move once they have finished the first one, in my opinion a move like that should not be allowed to happed


an idea i just came up with while writing this is have a "special" meter (yes i've been playing tony hawk), so you can only do so many 1 hit kill moves in so much time


or just get rid of those stupid moves all together, personally i hate them, i like raw saber dueling :), they should add more fancy techniques to the yellow and blue stance, other than just right strafe attack and stuff like that

its just going to end up is random saber swinging

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a lot of it is already random saber swinging. Guys, you have to understand that Raven will most probably NOT go back to what it used to be. Therefore, we can't really ask them to go back. Everyone's problem with the backstab is EXACTLY the same as the problem people had with DFA. stop complaining about it. If you do, more unnecessary updates will arise, and people will find OTHER ways to get easier kills. Telling them not to backstab is like telling a CS player not to crouch when he's shooting. It's a move, it's part of the game, it kills faster. crouching gives better aim and kills faster. Nothing illegal or 'exploited' about that. all you have to do is find a way to counter these things. Stop opening your mouths and hacking this game into a mindless swinging of the saber hopefully to luckily get a hit. Backstab is fine, DFA is fine, and medium sweep is fine. If you have a problem with these, learn to defend against them. I have, and I rarely die from these unless I screw up (which I sometimes do). So if I can do it, so can you whiners. now shut up and get in a game and learn how to play it before posting crap on here.

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I switched to duels ff/nf, since playing the gun maps isn't fun anymore and ffa sabers is braindead.


I played some ppl using the whole stab backwards tactic(including pull/push). It was great fun, it was wild and fast. Well I'm using specialmoves more often then any basic attacks in duels including DFA (it's still a good move if you know how).


All those moves take skills and they can counter each other.


If the backwards stab (especially the light stance stab) gets crippled like the other things, this game will lose its last decent players and it will end up as a pure newbie game.


I don't get why the default game has to be screwed to a ****game. Just wait for mods that will allow you endless and boring swinging, run away and saber throw orgies

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