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Converting an SP map to MP? -OR- DEAR GOD, HELP ME!


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I've spent about 15 hours on my first map, and it is looking very good. It's a FFA map. Or rather, it SHOULD BE.


See, I sorta forgot to set StarWars.q4 to StarWarsMP.q4 when I started, and now I'm several hundred brushes and entities in and I am screwed beyond belief, if I can't figure out how to convert this to MP. The map works fine when I devmap it in JK2 multiplayer, and the pickups and that work fine, so I don't know if I'm making too big a deal out of this, or if it's won't work at all.


Please help, I'd hate for all that work to be wasted!

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Draw a big ass brush around the whole thing (yes it has to be a big ass one, not just big, and definately not just ass). Go to the selection menu, and under select hit select inside. This'll select everything and discard the aforementioned big ass brush. Copy and paste it into a new map with the right project settings.


For me, copying and pasting this much made jk2radiant throw a hissy fit and crash, so I had to do it in smaller chunks, but using the same sorta technique. Hope this helps...

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