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How do you get the lightsaber to twirl around your head ?!?!


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got to throw the saber and hold down the button.. then move the mouse so you spin around and the saber will also spin. it takes a while to get it down but a friend of mine can do it only a few feet from her head in a complete circle multiple times.

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I just posted this on a different thread, but it seems better here:



If you sidestep away from the sabre just before it gets back to you after a throw and hold down the primary attack button, it spins around you. If you move into it, it returns to you - but if you stand still, it just keeps going. It's hard to time though - but I've seen people do it very well. Oh - and I haven't tried this under 1.03, so not sure if it still works the same.


I've even once seen a guy on the Raven duel map get it to do this near a corner of a wall, then run away and come up behind someone who was standing there watching it - and the sabre was still going - it didn't come back to him until he went up to near it again. It was quite bizarre - but I'd love to know how to do that.

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To make it stay in place you just press Taunt at any time while it is spinning around you, you can also walk with it by holding down walk and moving.



I really wish this kinda stuff was stickyed at the top so it wouldn't have to get answered 10000x though. ;)

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Originally posted by Mr Tim

Thanks jmcdavel - but that still doesn't answer how you can leave the sabre twirling around one spot, other than yourself, and leave it to keep twirling in that one spot while you run away elsewhere.


OMG are you blind? He just DID tell you how to leave it spinning in one spot while you run around and away from it!


I was about to post a reply till I read his, but that's how you do it.




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Originally posted by [Dom_Pmd]


OMG are you blind? He just DID tell you how to leave it spinning in one spot while you run around and away from it!





maybe he is using a 2mb graphic card the replies took forever to load??? :p

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Well here's some clarification:


You must be holding primary attack down throughout the entire sequence, even after you press taunt. Once you let go of primary attack your saber will reappear in your hand about 1.5 seconds afterward.


Also note that you can do the saber spin for a short period of time by just throwing it out, holding down primary attack and running in one direction (duration will vary).. this is much more useful for a few quick hits.

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Try this, throw your saber and when it starts to come back to you step left, forward, right, back and continue to do so in that order. The saber will spin around you until you stop. It takes practice but once you get good enough you could do it all day or until someone comes along and kills ya.

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