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Graphics Phenomenon


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Hello everyone! Well, my problem is very... odd. It only happens from time to time. Sometimes I'm playing and all of a sudden, objects become funny colors and lines and such appear all over the objects. I experienced this problem with JK and MOTS when I messed with the MIP mapping distance. I looked for something like this in this game, but no joy. I'm going to post a SS of it on here (type shift+~ and then "screenshot silent", correct?) to help you understand what I'm talkin about. Thanks!

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Ok, as promised, the screenshot. if you look on the lower to mid right of the SS, you'll see what I"m talking about. The stupid lines and such that make the game VERY UGLY. Any help would be MUCh appreciated.


(EDIT: Well, I see there is no way to add attachments to these posts even though this is the same BB the Falcon4.0 Community uses [we can on there...] as of now, if you wanna give me your e-mail addy, I'll send you the pic)

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