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Where are those Droideka's (Yea!!!)?


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C'mon. So many model makers and only three (or maybe a bit more) are working on Droideka's and the Battle Droid.

There must be more so lets here it!


The Droid and the Droideka are just as important in mapmaking as the Stormtrooper in the JK2 singleplayer.

Besides, I've always wanted to have a Droideka in that game.


So if there's anybody interested, MAKE THEM.


I would also like to thank ErionD and Madjai for reacting on my previous post. Keep it up.


This is also the link to get them.

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That is why I'm thanking you with all my heart and not asking you to work faster. You can take as long time as you want, Madjai two.

I just think there should be more people working on it. I mean there must at least a thousand people on this entire forum. And maybe I can convince somebody that it is fun. I hate doing it though so don't get me wrong. I'm very very very very very very very very very very thankfull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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