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Where do i find lando and how??? I need to meet him becouse he has the password i have to have!!!!!


And how do get to the switch bwhind the unbreakable windows in one of the rooms?????


The level im playing is: ns_hideout



Please help me!!!! :atat:

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the way to lando opens (or is already opened) by shooting one of those exploding barrels through a window, its in one of those not too big rooms with boxes.


u can recognize it by looking for a few small fireplaces in one of those rooms, a wall cracked up there (when the barrel already exploded).


the way to the switch behind the glass is a tricky secret, maybe u wanna read the jo secrets guide:


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ok go to the part where you can see the top of the garbage dumpsters which is up the stairs and just before you get there, their is a crate on the wall that is breakable so you break it and go to the to far one crate and you should see a guard kill him and look you will see a explodable box shoot it and a hole in the wall will appear leave the tunnel and go down the stairs and jump down go through the next door and go through the wall and just go through the doors that open and you should find him



(Don't woory I had trouble at this part as well)



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