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Clan Wars


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Greetings from the Rogue Jedi Clan.


After having words with a few members of other clans. I came to the conclusion what we need is to have a Clan War. Not based on hostility. But in the Spirit of the Jedi Code.


What I would like too do is to sit down with other Clan Leaders and work on a plan to bring this together in the next few weeks. To talk about rules, settings and such.


Perhaps this could evolve into a Clan Ladder System. But that is way down the road. But for now, if each Clan could get together 3-5 players each. Schedule a time when they could meet. Sort of like the NFL Schedule. 1st Clan to 20 total wins take all.


Example: Knights of Alderaan 13

Rogue Jedi 11

Cant think of a name 9


It doesnt have anything too do with winning one battle, its the overall score that counts. I would supply the webpage for Clan Standings each week as well as scheduling.


Everyone's imput is needed to make this successful. And to bring together the Clans(hoping to not sound like Willliam Wallace). This is what is going to make JKII successful.


So again. Everyone and anyone please share your thoughts on this. The more information I can gather? The better this system will work.



Jedi Master

Rogue Jedi Clan



"Be Mindful of the Living Force, It will always let you know when its time to change your Jedi Robe"

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shouldn't clan wars go without saying? I thought that was the whole point of clans? What do you do if you're not having clan wars?


Back in High School, when I had free time, My clan: Lightsaber Anal Probe (LAP) had at least one war a day (Jedi Knight...the first one), Sometimes more (I wasn't involved in all of them...I didn't have that much free time).


That's what clans should be about. WAR.



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