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Doom_Shields: Man with Shield

Toxic G.

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I just beat him ... read the posts below. I used my #9 gun and blasted Galak a few times to disable his shield, and then took careful aim to shoot the red shield array above his head ... then must move quickly before he blasts you with that purple plasma stuff ...save a lot, use force speed to run around and light sabre him from behind, just keep at it, save, save, save while increasing your force heal ... then it only gets worse ... great level!


I got the following Galak/golden suit hints from another post:


Well I beat him by using force speed and blasting away his shield with the secondary fire of the flechette and then I shot that red thing with the primary fire of the flechette. After the red thing is destroyed his shield is disabled and he will fire blue laser just use force speed and hack away at him with your lightsaber and he'll drop in no time, but watch out that he doesn't throw slap you away when your close to him. And keep moving at all times you should be able to avoid his fire.


Hope this helps ya a bit!


Got past him :)))


Now I'm in the swamp mission now.


Thanks man.


Btw, I basically killed him before I ever read this post. I simply set my lightsaber to the lowest and kept swinging it. First disabled the shield, then kept on swinging it at him and whenever he came to slap me away, I simply took like 3 steps back, then went on to him again and again.... :)

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