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Fighting on these boards!

Guest Jedi Master Xai-Qui

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Guest Jedi Master Xai-Qui

I would like to point out that lately there has been more slagging off and fighting on this board than even before.

I will use the example of "Can we edit obi Wan?" thread.

No-one was tring to make people go out and buy a £600 program or anything like that.

It was opinion based. If you have the money to buy a program like that then fine. It is your business if you buy it or not.

A pleasent discussion becomes a raging brawl over nothing. AND I MEAN NOTHING!

For gods sake some people (not nameing any names because I don't like to get on the wrong side of people) seem to like to cause trouble. Please the quality of this board should not be brought down to such low levels.

I hate people who gang up on others as well!

So Stop it!


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Guest dreddnott

All you can do with this post is drag other people into an argument with you. :-)





I may make you feel, but I can't make you think.

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Guest Argath

No-one was tring to make people go out and buy a £600 program or anything like that.


I beg to differ. Several times in that thread, it was directly stated or insinuated that 3DS Max would be required to edit the game. I suggest you review the thread before commenting further, because it's plainly obvious that certain people were claiming that Max would be the best way or the only way to edit the game, when, in reality, it won't be compatible at all.


It was opinion based. If you have the money to buy a program like that then fine. It is your business if you buy it or not.


Opinions and formulations are completely different. The thread contained an obnoxious amount of the latter, most of which claimed that 3DS Max would be required to edit the game, despite a complete lack of evidence or logic backing those claims. Telling someone the Earth is flat is not an opinion, but a sign of ignorance; likewise, encouraging the purchase of an expensive program that will be worthless for editing Obi-Wan is similarly indicative of a lack of knowledge.


For gods sake some people (not nameing any names because I don't like to get on the wrong side of people) seem to like to cause trouble.


Some people don't like others pretending that they're experts and giving out horrible, damaging advice. It's not an issue over whether people like to argue or cause problems; rather, some of us don't appreciate others giving out misinformation and refusing to accept corrections.


Furthermore, if you're really that concerned with how other people view you, why did you even say that in the first place? It was completely unrelated to the the rest of your thread (though the relevancy of the thread itself is debatable), and only serves the purpose of singling people out. Is there any point to this thread aside from an attempt to attack the people with whom you disagree?


I hate people who gang up on others as well! So Stop it!


If you don't want to get on anyone's bad side, I'd suggest against blatantly pointing out who you disagree with and claiming you hate them. The only reason Kurgan was "ganged up" on was becuase no one else who participated shares his distorted view of how game development and editing works. If anything, I'd think that an excess of knowledgable opposition would further discredit the false information being posted in that thread, but I suppose some people automatically root for the "underdog", regardless of the validity of his arguments.


If you dislike arguments so much, it would be suggested that you avoid posting threads like this. Clearly taking up a biased stance on an issue is definitely not a way to avoid opposition. At any rate, the thread was closed, and no one else has said a word about it since, so I really see little reason for your incessant whining in the first place. Just drop it.


[This message has been edited by Argath (edited June 30, 2000).]

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Guest JediObi

Shut up! Here's a suggestion why doesn't everybody forget about what happened in the past and quit commenting on it. I come to the forums to give information or find out some new information. All I see is a bunch of people acting like children. If you don't have anything positive to contribute, don't contribute.



"I have a bad feeling about this" - Obi-Wan

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Guest dreddnott

I didn't see anything positive in your "contribution".



I may make you feel, but I can't make you think.

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Guest Ikhnaton

dammit! i closed that thread for a reason! That means: don't start another thread about the same topic!


sheesh, people...

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