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Help: How do you fight Vader in SP?


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I have the updated vader skin, vader.pk3 has been unzipped to gamedata/base folder, but it still fights desann instead of vader in the last level. It works for multiplayer though. Am I missing something? vader.pk3 is 1,636 KB, right?

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I haven't tryed to replace Desann with Vader yet, but I can tell you your going about it the wrong way.


make a folder selection like this




insert the vader model into the desann folder, then use Winzip or anyother zipper program and save it with all the subfolders as a pk3 file.


place the pk3 file you just made in your base folder.


Start a new singleplayer game and see if it works.



*Edit* nvm, theres a problem with Custom models in Singleplayer I asked a question about it but no one answered me, I think its a issue with shaders.


......so how do we get custom skins to work in singleplayer??

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the problems you encounter are because of the fact that if you moved the vader folder, or simply renamed it, the shaders and the skin files still point to the vader folder, not desann.

there is an npc file making the rounds around the community (i made it) but it has not uploaded yet...



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1. Choose which model your using for the skin.

2. Edit/create the textures in the same folder (doesn't have to be, could be any folder in the player models dir).

3. Copy-n-paste the chosen models default skin file (model_default.skin), edit the texture locations using the new textures your created.

4. Go to ext_data dir in the base folder and copy-n-paste the original models data in the npc.cfg file, add the line:


customskin yourskinsname


"yourskinsname" will be what ever you name the copy of the model_default.skin file.

5. Make any other edits to the npc data like team, health, sounds etc. etc.


And that's it, you can now spawn you new skin anytime by entering the normal npc spawn command using the custom skin name.


Remember, if you want to use it and your player model, then you have to move the edited model and skin file to Kyle's directory (remembering to back up Kyle's files first).


Dont ask me how to get it into JKR though... got no idea.


[EDIT] Sorry, this was answering ReIIiK's custom skin question. Doing this with Vader will get him into SP, but he'll have a blaster... well... lets just say the big dark one will be shooting from the hip... more or less, lol.


Although... this does mean we can get new character models into SP, WITHOUT replacing old ones...


WOOT!!! WOOT!!! :D

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