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A lightsaber should cut you in half. Period.


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mrlove: Thanks alot! Now my duels are funnier :)


How do I make this dismemberment thing in SP, without applying that mod? I downloaded the mod and took a look at the CFG-file in the pk3 it has, but there seem to be LOTS of sh-t in there that changes lots on all models. Cant I just make arms and legs and whatever cut by changing the Dismemberment to "2" in SP? I took a look at the sp config in my \base folder, and the dismember thing is set to "3". How come? Besides, there are some more dismember options but I dont know what to change.

Thanks alot in advance!


/AnabolicJedi :vadar:

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Here's how to do it in SP.


drop down the console, and


type in helpusobi 1

then type in g_saberrealisticcombat 1

then type in g_dismemberment 3


This will let you cut off arms, legs, hands, heads, or cut someone in two, just like what obi wan did to Maul in Ep1.


You don't need any mods or anything. The mod is for the german version of the game, because they had slightly different models, due to their goverment stance on voilance in video games.

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Thanks man!


Will that realisticsabercombat thing make the game easier or what?? Because I dont want to kill all enemies in 1 stab because it says "realistic", I sense bad ;)

What u say about that? Is that just a variable for the dismember thing or will it make even easier to kill with the saber in SP??

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Originally posted by Bl4de

Sigh...another one of these posts.



Who gives a bantha fodder if it kills in 1 hit in the movie, by your logic BLASTERS should kill in 1 hit too? Well guess what, people would just use the blue stance and saber throw to kill people, picture this in your mind and see how much fun it would be. NO fun, whatsoever. Duels would be useless, force would be useless, people would just throw and slash, hoping they kill before they get killed. Same goes for guns. Think before you post something please.


well put, but if they had to make that realistic, and they had to make weapons realistic, can you imagine then other things they would have to put in the game...lightning would incapaticate the opponent, grip would kill them in 3 seconds, and there would have to be a 99 percent blocking percentage just so battles wouldnt kill in a grazing hit. and with the guns factor, everything would have to kill in one hit...having a different weapon would be useless, because as soon as you find one that shoots the fastest, you would stick with that...maybe saber damage should be increased a little, but it shouldnt be invincable


space monkey

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Originally posted by AnabolicJedi

Thanks man!


Will that realisticsabercombat thing make the game easier or what??


Your welcome :)


Umm yes and no, to the easier question. This his how I understand it to work... I may be wrong.


Realistic saber combat means that if the person being hit doesn't have any shields, then the saber does a fair amount more damage, and will always chop off the part that was hit. For most things, this doesn't matter much, storm troopers drop with one hit normaly anyway.


Against other types of targets, it may or may not make a huge differance. But this is a global setting, so it applys to everyone with a light saber, so the reborn have "realistic sabers" as well.


The dismemberment, can be set between 1-100, 3 seems to work best, but I haven't played with it myself. 1 didn't seem to do much for me.


So what it does, is make saber fights shorter in SP, but it doesn't make the game that much easier.

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