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Help with demo level


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The luitenant upstairs with the 2 troopers has a key. Kill them all, take the key and try the door. Go outside on the bridge you came in where the security droid comes up. aim into the upper window at the heads of the 2 troopers. You your blaster pistol on the alt fire and hold down alt fire to let it charge up all the way. Fire on the 2 heads and they will actually fall out and land infront of you with a scream.


Then go upstairs as soon as you open the door hit the luitenant with jedi mind trick and then throw your saber at his neck.


Now look on the ground for the key he dropped.


Easy as warm apple pie!!

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one thing it took me a while to discover: use the use key with that defaults to "E", not the use key for your inventory, which defaults to "ENTER".


i have a question myself: after you defeat the jedi in the

hangar with the red sword, and kill the enemies in the little room off the hangar, how do you get thru the energy field?


i'm stuck




lil orphan ani

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Hehehe....I see many people are having this problem. To open the security door with flashing red lights, (there is actually only one "security" door), you must first CROUCH down. Then, hitting the "activate" key (ctrl is default), will open it right up! :cool:


Have fun! :joy:




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Originally posted by JediCalvin

Hehehe....I see many people are having this problem. To open the security door with flashing red lights, (there is actually only one "security" door), you must first CROUCH down. Then, hitting the "activate" key (ctrl is default), will open it right up! :cool:

Or simply change view to target it with the crosshairs and then press activate ;) . And you still must have the key.

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