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A question about gameplay...

Guest Jedi Niyte

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Guest Jedi Niyte

I know that Episode 1: Obi-Wan is supposed to contain various lightsaber techniques that you can learn during the course of the game. Will it also include unarmed combat techniques? To do so, in my opinion, would add a great deal of depth and flavor to the game, and give the player a feel for the "Jedi combat arts". It would also be a big improvement over the original JK/MotS games. I personally feel that only two punches is a very limiting factor when playing a Jedi Knight. These guys are supposed to be masters of both armed and unarmed combat, and I think it would be great if we could throw a few kicks in OB1.

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I don't know if you would use your fists if I arrive with a saber.


I don't think it makes sense including such techniques, but maybe a cobiation of sword fighting and other martial arts?

I hope so.

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Guest Jedi Niyte

Technically, I could use my fists if you arrived with a saber. Don't forget that Jedi have the ability to absorb and dissipate energy and the lightsaber is an energy weapon. Hmmmmm...


Or, if LEC sticks close to JK/MotS and adds a power similar to Force Protection, I might be forced to use my fists since only physical damage could penetrate the protection sphere. Something to think about... wink.gif



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Guest Jedi Master Xai-Qui

Add some backflips and maybe that doule leg kick thing that obi1 used in the film.




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Sounds like you want them to take Oni and slap Star Wars on it. Not that I'd argue... smile.gif



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I've been heavy into playing Omikron and it has some great fight moves/angles including kicks, rolls, etc.

You can upgrade your fighting moves to 4 key combos also. I'm not big on hand fighting but this has impressed me and others.




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I'd love to see the game with more hand-to-hand techniques and kicks and stuff like that. Imagine walking up to a battle droid with Force Protection on while it blasts at you and just kicking it off the catwalk. That'd be fun! I also refer back to the end of the movie: Darth Maul gave Qui-Gon a kick to the chin and that got him off-balance a little bit, just long enough for Maul to run him through. It could make the difference in a battle, if they put in something where you had to take a few seconds to recover from a punch or a kick.



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