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How Did They Do That????


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This has happened once or twice to me, i think all you do is as your lightsaber is returning to you after being thrown, you keep moving and strafing etc to keep it from reeching your hand, if done right it seems to spin around you a few times, this is how i do it, i'm not sure if there is another way or not.

:duel: back to school work

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You don't need to constantly move. Just throw the sabre out a fair distance, holding the secondary fire down. Then release secondary fire, and as the sabre returns hold down primary fire and sidestep dodge the returning sabre once. Keep holding primary fire. The sabre will revolve around you as you stand still, and your hand will remain outstretched. You can move around a little bit and the sabre will still revolve as you move, but if you move too fast you will grab the sabre.


An additional trick is while the sabre is still revolving around you as you hold primary fire, do a taunt, and when the animation is done, move around while still holding primary fire. The sabre will stay at the spot where you were, but you can run around anywhere on the map. Your hand will still be outstretched, and when you release primary fire no matter where you are on the map the sabre will reappear in your hand.

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I've only been able to succeed at the stationary saber spin when I've alloted three ranks to Saber Throw. I've been told over and over that it's perfectly possible with two ranks, but I have yet to pull it off.

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