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My Sword Fighter Template


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Guide on Force Powers and Technique:


A format that I have been using recently and has been working very well is one that only takes use of the neutral forces being push and pull etc. I only make use of the push and pull though. So therefore being light or dark does not matter. I’ve put my points in such a way that only 1 point is unused on Jedi Knight (2nd highest and from what I’ve seen most used amount of points aloud to spend). Obviously if the server has it higher then raise other powers like healer or grip.


How to put your points:

This is a sword fighter template which makes use of the push and pull. You have some ranged ability with the exception of weapons other then the light saber.


3 Levels of Jump

I find jump extremely useful. You can get to higher places faster or only accessible with the highest jump. You can get away from a loosing fight if you don’t mind being dishonorable. You can even travel much faster. Force jump is extremely useful. At the bare minimum I would raise it to level 2.

3 Levels of Push

Push is one of the most used neutral force powers I’ve seen. Its great because both light and dark can use it and this allows light users to get out of the grip force move. But besides that you are able to move people off platforms and into bottomless pits. If you see someone in the air, from jumping obviously, you can really launch them, even from far distances away. Obviously this is not exactly so useful on non bottomless pits maps. Let me make it simple.



Launch people in bottomless pits

Combined with grip its fantastic

You can get away from grip

You can launch multiple people

You can escort flag carriers easily

(when your flag carrier is running away, run with him/her, some times you might have 3-4 people on you, 1 force push might just knock a few of them back letting your team score the point. I’ve done this numerous times and it works great.)

Knock Flag carriers into your buddies

Launch rockets and grenades and some energy weapons back at the shooter

Knock people down

Reflect energy based weapons, blasters etc.




On no bottomless pit maps the force push is limited in its ability and is mainly only viable for escort


3 Levels of Force Pull

Force pull is actually a very useful force power. You can prevent people from running away from a fight, stop flag carriers from getting away, pull people into pits and even pull guns from them. Its actually pretty useful, and if you use both force push and pull you can really control a fight.



Keep people from running away

Knock People down

Take weapons from people

Prevent flag carriers from getting away

Pulling people into pits



Not as useful in non bottomless pits maps but more useful then force push in these maps


3 Levels of Each of the Light Sabers Abilities

Now heres where the sword fighter part of the template comes in. With the use of force pull you can really control a fight as I mentioned before.



This is a necessity for a close range sword fighter, or even a weapons man who wants a safe means of travel. Its also very viable so that you can prevent getting hit by laser based weapons, and block other light sabers. Its great as a flag carrier because everyone and their mother and their grandmother will want to kill you.



You need at least level 1 in this to get a light saber, raise it to level 3 if you want to be a true sword fighter. You can do a lot of damage with the light saber and if you master the styles which I am still working at, then you can win the battles with some ease. Use force pull to keep them in range.


Throw Light Saber:

This one is up to you. Either as dark, put your points into grip so you can grip and push to launch your targets. Or you can put points into throwing your light saber. This force power I am still debating myself, if can do a decent amount of damage and can kill other sword fighters with some ease, I’ll explain.



Throw your light saber above your target if its running or standing in front of you. Gravity will pull you down, but don’t jump to high. The light saber will come towards your hand, and if you’ve done it right, you can hit your target in the back with the light saber before it comes back to your hands.


Over all:

This template is not for everyone. This template is a great melee defensive and offensive style. I’ve been able to kill 3 targets with in 5-6 seconds with a combination of force push, pull and my trusty light saber. After you learn the styles you can do very well. Unless you modify this template then you will have no DDs (direct damage) and no force powers that will directly keep you alive such as healing and absorb. This template makes you stay on your toes and not only think about yourself but also your allies. You can protect your flag, prevent the enemy from getting to their base with your flag, win many close ranged fights, and even take care of rocket launcher users. Good luck.



And on a personal note.

Don’t leave home, its safer inside, the sun is bad.

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