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LEC Plugins for 3DSMax and GMax

Guest Jedi Master Xai-Qui

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Guest Jedi Master Xai-Qui

I am not going to go on and on about the fact 3DSMax or GMax will need plugins to edit obi-wan. Nor am I going to go on about the fact that people could make dedicated programs to edit the game, eg levels (JED).

This is more about why I think it is unlikely that LEC will release the plugins they used to make the game. Now people have said why don't LEC release the plugins they used. I don't know if I am on my own here!


1. Some plugins are already avalible and are freely avalible because the people who make 3dsmax made some plugins.


2. If LEC did make there own plugins then they paid programmers to make them. LEC will want to keep them. Also the plugins are what made the game. If another company got thier hands on them they could basically copy the game, okay I see that they won't have the engine but they will. Once the game is released they will, a small but complicated Icon change on the executable and hey presto, one new game, it does not even have to look like Obi-wan or be about a jedi. They would have the means to create a new game with minimum effort. This maybe a going a bit far but technically you could do this.

Also you have to look at the possiblity that they don't want to release the plugins because they are planning extra levels.


If you are going to insult me personally about this don't bother posting a reply, However if you have something sensible to say, say it.




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Guest Argath

1) Unlikely. While Discreet distributes a freely available SDK for plug-in development, and many plug-ins are available for download directly from Discreet and through third parties, the chance of LEC utilizing someone else's utility or export plug-ins does not seem very likely. LEC has generally created all their utilities in-house, so the probability of LEC suddenly deciding to adopt an open format for Obi-Wan's levels is not very real. Like all their previous games, I'd expect Obi-Wan's levels to be a proprietary format.


In addition, LEC has specified "experience with 3DS Max plug-in creation" as a skill needed by prospective employees. Do a search at gamasutra, they have a number of job listings to confirm that. LEC always has used proprietary tools and formats, and I seriously doubt they'll alter that for Obi-Wan.


2) Stealing a level format from another company is illogical, considering designing the format and providing utilities to create it is not a considerable part of the game development process. That company would still have to write an engine with support for the level format, so it would make very little sense for it to steal from LEC. Why risk lawsuits only to avoid one of the simplest parts of the design process?


LEC won't release their plug-ins because of legal issues. Plug-ins are essentially executable files, and functionally the same thing as the programs LEC used for other games, so whatever legal constraints LEC or LFL has placed on previous development programs will almost definitely also apply for Obi-Wan. LEC has never before released plug-ins for 3DS Max, AutoCAD, or any other programs. I see no reason to believe they'll suddenly open up to the editing community now.


Besides, even if hell were to freeze over, and LEC were to suddenly release their 3DS Max plug-ins, the plug-ins would be useless for most people. I'd still expect some form of free editor to be developed to allow the majority of gamers to edit the game. An editing community can't thrive when only a select few have access to the editing programs.

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Guest Orbvs_Terrarvm

IMHO LEC won't release the plug ins because they have a 'console' mentality when it comes to their PC games (lately).


Nevermind the fact that it supports the Star Wars community.


Nevermind that user created mods has the potential to keep Obiwan sales going strong well after the game has been released.


Nevermind the fact that new gaming styles can result from other peoples perspective using a companys technology (Team Fortress/Counter Strike - both made by people as a hobby) thus 'forcing' companies to keep creativity as a competitive edge.



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