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Finding server HELP!! Please!!

Stoned Player

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This problem might of been up here 1000 times but after looking through all the post i still can not figer out how to get this to work.


Im running a Win32 JK2 server. (using Jeid Runner) I Have a router that i run as well.

I have opened my ports on my router to run JK2 Dedicated server (ports 28060 - 28500).


But when i use my other computer to connect to my server. I can see it in the list of Source: Local and Source: Favorites, but not on Source: Internet.


No one outside my network can see my server.


I know this is a internal problem but i just can not figer it out.


Any info would be very helpful.


Thank you.


P.S Plus the server name has a [uDP] at the end when i view it under Source: Local. but not under Source:Favorites. (dont know if that matters)



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Join your server with the machine you are useing to play on and gotto the console and type this in.


seta port "28071"

seta net_port "28071"


Now quit out and then restart the game and now you should be able to see internet games. What this does is force your machine to use a diffrent port then the server. This is what fixed it for me.



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I have 2 computers connected to my router. 1 is my server for JK2 and other is my "play computer". The server is set up for port 28070 by defalt but if i change my "play computer" to port 28071, then you think it might work? Or even my server to port 28071?


Thanks for the idea =)



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