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WIP >>>> Great Pit of Carkoon...

Cmdr. Antilles

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[annoying guesses at the "Don't try to guess" rockwall extra thingy] A Sandcrawler. A crashed AT-AT/AT-ST. A cave bit. A Swoop Bike. A crashed Skiff. A Bantha. [/annoying guesses at the "Don't try to guess" rockwall extra thingy]


Shots in the dark ... any hits?





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Finished compiling, and I got one new screenie for you. Nothing all that exciting, but it should give you a little hint of what the final pit will look like, as well as some of the bounding dunes.


The rest of it... Well, the shadows on the rest of the bounding walls looked bad, so I'll have to make them vertex lighting only. And, my special idea for the other wall needs some work. It looks like it'll end up how I want it. Just needs a bit more work.



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*pulls his peices back to him in the garbage and begins reassembling himself*




*sigh of relief*


Ah, that's better, thank you for the update Antilles! Thank you! I feel better now, and the screenshot looks great! I put this thread into my thread, so if head over here to see it(sorry Antilles, I'll stop if you want me too, but I need feedback!) *feel free to post a comment*





:ewok: Duba-duba-duba!

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Originally posted by Cmdr. Antilles

Finished compiling, and I got one new screenie for you. Nothing all that exciting, but it should give you a little hint of what the final pit will look like, as well as some of the bounding dunes.


The rest of it... Well, the shadows on the rest of the bounding walls looked bad, so I'll have to make them vertex lighting only. And, my special idea for the other wall needs some work. It looks like it'll end up how I want it. Just needs a bit more work.




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I posted in-game shots of the barge awhile ago.


Here they are if you missed them. They're a little old:





I'd like to put more detail into the terrain, but I have to make sure that I can get decent framerates with the rest of the stuff in there. (barge and two skiffs) If I find that it can handle all of that, I may go back and put some more detail into the terrain.


And what's wrong with the dunes? They're actually very smooth.

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