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WIP >>>> Great Pit of Carkoon...

Cmdr. Antilles

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OK I didnt want to say this, but since it might help you with the interior of the barge i'll tell you why it might be a lil cramped.


On the deck of the barge the 2nd level at the back between the back of the deck where the ladders are and the stairs to the interior. It should be longer, it looks like its smaller than it should be. B/c you have to have enough room for the mast post, the deck gun and the back room entrance.


You just need to make that part longer, you know what i mean? :confused:

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Graphicsgod, I know all about Gensurf, and I've used it a lot before. I just prefer to do it by hand. You have a lot more control over it, and it looks better sometimes. ;)


A lot of the best mappers do it by hand anyway.


Oh, and lengthening my barge won't be a problem, if I deem it neccesary. I'm not totally sure yet. ;)

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Cmdr. Antilles, I'm not going to completely agree with you on that, but if you can do better sand and hills by hand than past attemps,... then go right on ahead. To each they'er own ;).


Did you see that pic I posted? If I was to do that by hand it would have looked like shiot! Too blocky and not very terrain like.

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The map is looking great, Im really looking forward to it.


About the sounds, why doesnt someone just record the sound of the sarlacc burping strait onto their pc via a microphone? Hell I could even do it if nobody else can be bothered. Just tell me which sounds, I'll record them and send them to Antilles over msn.

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OK, back on topic here. I need update, pleeeeaaaase.

Oh, and Antilles, I have a question. But, instead of poluting your thread with requests that have nothing to do with topic, I'll send you a pm, so check em' soon. Must resist urge to use time machine and destroy the fabric of space and time, must resist urge to use time machine and destroy the fabric of space and time, must resist urge to use time machine and destroy the fabric of space and time.



Ooo, ooo, next page!





:ewok: Duba-duba-duba!

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My computer is built for editing. I can pull sounds straight out of the movies if you need. I can also edit the sounds accordingly. You know what would be cool? If after the sarlacc ate someone, you could hear Jabba yell something out of the Barge. That is, as long as you can't go in the barge...

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Well, you should be able to go into the barge, so that probably wouldn't work. If you can get me a good high-quality sample of the sarlacc's burb, that'd be cool. :)


And Graphics, I wish I could make it an NPC too. :D


As for updates... I've been VERY busy lately... Not much time to map.... Sorry. :(

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Cmdr. Antilles what's the update? Please tell me your gonna post a screenie of the newly sarlacc pit! This will be the best one yet! Because in the other sarlacc maps there is only spikes or in the swcombine one, they made it reallll deep but know beak! your is gonna be the best man! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!

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