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WIP >>>> Great Pit of Carkoon...

Cmdr. Antilles

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Antilles, I know your being bothered by us freaks, but if you would simply post:

A. Some in-game pictures, none of this editor stuff, you can't get squat out of it. And besides, if it's in-game, it shows you've actually got it working right.

B. A progress report, you know, the percentage.


This will keep us screaming, slobering, idiots off your back for about, oh, 2 seconds...





:wookiee: Raaarwwaag!

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Nice level, but what happened to the water? Your boat is just sitting on dirt...














Just Kidding!!! Antilles, you have skill and I would like to applaud you for it...clap...clap...clap...etc. I just had to add to this post...:rolleyes:

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have we been reduced to spam now?


Where is this ****ing map?


and this ATST beats ur missile launcher:

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