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Way to upgrade FAST!!!! Helpful for 2-player game!!!

Guest Garindan

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Guest Garindan

Here's how to get the fastest pod in the game (unless you want to beat the entire game and still be upgraded, which is very hard to do):




Your pitdroids repair the damaged stuff after each race: including junkyard stuff!!! I MAXED my podracer out in 2 days!!! (that's last night and today).


Here's what to look for in the junkyard:


i'll be back

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Well, as Qui-Gon said, "A well-concieved plan; however, there is great risk." Sure, your pit droids repair the stuff- if you don't trash it first, so you'd better be a very good driver- and not get an engine fire or flamed (literally) by Sebulba.

Also, what can be helpful if you're short on cash is a cheat that I use a lot which gives you more: On the screen where you buy a part, press Shift+F4+4, which gives you 1000 truguts. You can only do this 5X, however, after the next race, you can do it all over again!



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Guest Garindan

as i was saying, here's stuff to look for in the junkyard:


Traction: R600 Repulsorgrip


Turning: Control Stabilizer


Accelleration: Mag 6 Injector


Top speed: Block 6 Thrust Coil


Air Brake: Quadrijet Air Brake


Cooling: Turbo Coolant Pump


Repair: Cluster2 Power Plug


Also here's a more safer way to fix your parts:


SAVE THE amateur races for when you want to fix your parts, get as much cash as you can from the semi-pro and galactic races as you can without buying anything, then go to the amateur and buy from junkyard, and even if your parts are damaged after the race, go onto another track no matter what. Be sure you buy pit droids too.


If you want to go and get the other racers (like mawhonic, sebulba, bozzie baranta, quadrinaros) it's better you not try this unless you're sure you want to 'cause your pod WILL get messed up unless your a very good racer.


Those tips should help you get the podracer maxed out. Note: maxed out does not mean all the bars will be to the right.


All this is done WITHOUT cheating. And it's very helpful when you want to whip someone's butt in the 2-player.

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