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Is there a way to use registry editor and change monitor resoloution?

Guest BenQuadinaros

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Guest BenQuadinaros

When I try to change my resoloution in Control Panel, it says I can only run it at 1280x1000, but I know someone who used regedit to change it, but he forgot how. Any of you guys know how I can do this? I really want to play my games at at least 1600x1200.

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Can your monitor support that resolution? I know my 17" can't go beyond 1600X1200. Maybe yours gets maxed out below that.


Of course, I hardly know anything about the subject, and I could be wrong.



"Preach the Gospel. If necessary, use words."

-St. Francis of Assisi

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Guest roguetwo




Being a Jedi is an easy task!!---

All it will take is to have a father who was a little strong in the force, then you have to find his lightsaber, and then you acquire force powers just like stickers in a couple of days. Isn't that so easy!!

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