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Does TrinitY2K exist? Of course she does! TrinitY2K appreciation thread!

Guest Ikhnaton

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Guest Chipmunkfan

I think I can speak for us all when I say that we love you trinity2k. You should definately feel special just in the fact that people NOTICE when you leave, not everyone gets that kind of attention. Anyways, all we ask is that you check in on us from time to time and make sure we are all still in line, heaven knows this place will go absolutely nuts without ya. smile.gif



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Guest lightbulba

is that my cue to start snickering?


really, though. kudos to a mighty fine brain shepard.


<font size="1"> merchant_sm.jpg


[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited August 08, 2000).]

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Guest TrinitY2K

Thanks, Chipmunkfan. smile.gif I do feel special. How could I not? You guys are so sweet to me!


And to you, lb, one of my favorite sheep wink.gif


Hi sweetie! smile.gif

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Guest wizzywig

Btw, Ike, theahnfahn is one of my favorite people (when he's not talking about certain orange October squash).





"So many planets, spinning through night and cold, so many souls huddled on them. The churches said it was the will of the Designer, and perhaps they were right."

--POUL ANDERSON, "Details"

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