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Level 5 single player


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Ok, i've treid beating this level with CHEAT CODES-god mode you name it i can NOT beat it--here is the problem


I'm suppose to "protect' these 5 FREAKING PRISONERS--YES 5 against 2 AT-ST's or whatever, and about 25 storm-troppers, how the *hell* am i suppose to do this.


I am playing on jedi knight (hard difficulty) and they all die within about 30 seconds of the map start, and i only have time to just get up the cliff and get to the blaster thing, but by then they are all dead before i ca even fire a round off--i'm not even stopping for anything i ran STRAIGHT tot he gun and they still died after literally 45 seconds from when i started--is this suppose to happen? if so how the hell do i beat this forsaken level.

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I did i did!


i RUN STRAIGHT TO THE GUN-, i get there as fast as humanly possible and i destroy the AT-st, and i CAN'T use the gun ont he storm troppers because it only has enough ammo for 2 at-st's,


I think its a glitch in the game and i don't know how to fix it this is bbbullllllll****.

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Originally posted by Dire

I did i did!


i RUN STRAIGHT TO THE GUN-, i get there as fast as humanly possible and i destroy the AT-st, and i CAN'T use the gun ont he storm troppers because it only has enough ammo for 2 at-st's,


I think its a glitch in the game and i don't know how to fix it this is bbbullllllll****.


The gun has more than enough ammo for both AT-ST's and all the troopers.


AIM for the AT-ST's heads.

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