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first skin try....

Dr. Outcast

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if i was to give him cowboy boots, he'd still look as kyle....

this is still a first attempt at skinning, and its made from the jedi model, not kyle, so there!


added 2 more pics from ingame....


But how do i rename it in the .glm file? tried it with notepad and wordpad, but when i load it in modview, it gives an error. And wordpad just messes up the glm file. Any ideas how to do this?

Cuz when i leave it like jedi, the normal jedi model will look like this...

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I hate people who say someones first skin sucks i think its looks cool i like the red eyes with the flames :) thats tight and alos id like to see petezilla make a skin instead of complainging make one you think is good you stupid n00bolicious fag

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ok, the skin is done.. it works, also for team games

i made the face a little more pale so that the eyes really come out that creepy (or so i think), i've uploaded it to JKII site, dont know when it'll be added to the files section.

Full bot support aswell, bot acts as a jedi.

Gave it new taunts (when he dies or gets killed he says sumthing lovely). The team colors are a bit lighted (less dark red and blue than the original team colors, but hey, i'm not perfect! lol).

Hope you like it...i sure had fun making it, come to think of it, i'm gonna make another one... lol

thnx for all the good remarks and helps

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