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2nd Map Released! Blade- Temple of La Magra


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I just released my second map yesterday. It's called Blade: Temple of La Magra. A huge improvement from my first if you ask me.


At the moment, jedioutcastmaps.com is the first to post it. Check it out at http://www.jedioutcastmaps.com/map.php?id=124 and please lemme know what you think.


Its a medium sized Duel map, which can be used for FFA (up to 6 players). My appologies on the size of the file, 90% of it is because of the music, but the song really adds to the atmosphere if you ask me.


P.S. I mean no offense to any of the other great sites which host player maps. Im simply extremly impatient, and jedioutcastmaps.com was the first to post it, hehe.



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Woohoo! I know at least one person downloaded it then =)


I tried to stray away from the Star Wars maps, since everybody and their mother is making one.


Personally I really liked the movie Blade, and thought the temple at the end was damn cool, but if you didnt enjoy the movie, I could see this map having little interest for ya.


AB_legion: Did it run smoothly for you? Were you getting decent FPS for your video card? I've only played it on my own system, where it ran ok.



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