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Cairn Bay Stealh Level


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I have searched through the forums for 3 days and read all the posts i can find related to this part of the game. I also have one of the walkthroughs someone posted. Yet still i cannot get past this. This is when you go through the door and then you have a crate right in front of you. If i go left there is a stormtrooper that i can mindtrick if i time it right. Then it seems i need to jump up onto a ramp and mindtrick two or three troopers on walkways above, which i can never seem to do. Within a few seconds i get the Kyle is Captured cutscene.

If i go right i see the alarm panel. Then keep going right around the crates and again stormtroopers that i can mind-trick, ,and miss one, and get the cutscene. Or, i can crouch and go into a small vent shaft which leads to several rooms i can come out in, but in all of them the damned imperial officer sees me or hears fighting and hits the alarm and again i get the cutscene.

I don't usually ask for help on here but i have been doing this for 3 days now! I have probably seen the you lost cutscene 300 times now.

Help me Obi-Wan, you're my only hope. What am i doing wrong?

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OK, thanks GJ, i got it. And of course when i finally figured out what i was supposed to do it was one of those *doi* moments!

Now I am stuck on the part right after where you have to shut the lights, jedi mind trick, and get across the room. I know what i need to do, but the timing is a beeyatch!

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Originally posted by jdtice

I am stuck in the room where you have to turn off the lights. Please let me know what you did when you get through it. Everytime I try to get across they always catch me.

Well, once you came out of the Dark Room, you'll see 3 enemies. One with a lightsaber, which you'll dispatch last. 1 in brown suit and 1 in black suit. The brown suit is a sitting duck right in front of you. The black suit is the one running around. You'll need to catch up before he reaches the alarm button. Jump over the crates to help keeping track of him.


Hope this helps.

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Originally posted by jdtice

I am stuck in the room where you have to turn off the lights. Please let me know what you did when you get through it. Everytime I try to get across they always catch me.




What i finally ended up doing was hitting the light switch, hitting force speed, crouching, and dropping off the ledge. Then scoot straight to the door across the room, open it, and dart inside. once inside, turn around to face the room you just left... you may need to mind-trick a couple of the officers in your field of view. When the door closes, you have made it past that stealth level. Save your game before opening the next door and continuing.

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there is a cheap way to complete this level.


in the first area stand by the alarm get some attention and slaughter everyone who comes your way with lots of force pull. this will clear the lower area. then head off to the left to the ramp you spoke about. you can now take on the storm troopers on the bridge without interruption and bypass badguy spawn points. following this route you can jump up into the ships hull and run right up to the bridge.

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