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Will We Ever Be Able To....


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Will Zone games ever be viewable on the in-game browser? I think this is important, as for 56kers like myself, there is a dramatic difference in lag when playing on Zone and off it. And, when we do not play on the Zone, we cannot play with other clanmates with Broadband who can handle the extra lag.


If there is a reason why this will never be possible, could you please explain it?

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I ditched the zone for that very reason years ago. If you wish toplay with clanmates, however, there is a simple solution.


Assuming that they are hosting (they should be. They're the ones with the bandwidth), make them click their start button and select "run". In the dialog, type "winipcfg" (without the quotes) top open a dialog displaying the computers network addresses, including the IP.


Now make them give you this IP (The IP may change from time to time, so make it a habit to get this every time you start a game, unless neither of you has been offline in the meantime) over your preferred chat program, along with the password (if any). Write it down on a piece of paper (just so you won't forget), close all unneeded programs and launch JK2.


Ingame, choose to join a game, and change the list from internet (displaying all internet servers it sees) to favourites (displaying only servers you've marked). Once your clanmates has the game running, click "new favourite" and type in the IP. The game should now show up in the browser.


Back in the day, we used this method to circumvent the silly 4-player limit in MotS.

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Yeah, we used to do that for JK. But, I'm missing 50 games of JK2 that I could be playing... I think the browser should still allow us to see those games, even if we don't want to join them. And XP shows automatically your IP just by launching the Connection window. :-) Because XP is cool like that.

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