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The Phantom Jedi Elite (PJE)

Your Masta

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I have been half watching this board for a long while now, and way back when JK2 was still a dream I saw someone mention The Phantom Jedi Elite.

Well I have been working hard with another member in PJE to bring it off the ground again, but its tough work for two people, and my internet firewall doesn't let me host games. Anyone who wants to start a new clan, but doesn't know anything about it or just wants to join a new clan, might want to stop by our place. We need members that are resourceful and willing to recruit, play JK2, edit web pages, talk :p, and just be friends. Skill is not really required, but we would like skilled members, so if you suck when you join....well lets leave it at you won't suck when your done with your first few weeks ;) . Any questions you can reach me at Rogueskies@gamebox.net , PJE's web page is http://www.PhantomJedielite.cjb.net.



-Your Masta (Also TLFabien)

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