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I got an idea. How about all you ppl with ideas and requests get together an work on all your ideas and request yourself. Sit down and take the time to learn and reserach all these mapping and modeling tools, spend weeks gettin it all figured out and produce us with some good work.. :)


Sorry .. i just had to get that out .. im so sick of everyones ideas and requests. I mean if you need help theres plenty of help but I think this other stuff has kinda gotten outta hand.


End Rant

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thank you for saying something about that, i'd also recomend a "request" forum, like in CSS etc.. b/c its annoying when you go around looking for cool models and you see something called "awesome saber" and its like "i got an idea for this saber that dances, can someone plz make it for me?" or something like that. There's a shortage of good modelers out there that actually have spare time to do everthing that someone can ask for, so i think you ppl should try to learn it yourself, and if you cant get nething done that way, make friends w/ a modeler and eventually, maybe he'll be nice enuf to make you a model



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