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Error: CMod_LoadBrushsides: bad ShaderNum: -1


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Error: CMod_LoadBrushsides: bad ShaderNum: -1


anyone one know how to fix this


when I am at the tramway in the mines right at the end of the level i get on the train and then press the button to make the train move and i get booted to the newgame/loadgame/savegame/options screen with a popup saying


" Error: CMod_LoadBrushSides: Bad ShaderNum : -1 "


I have tried to get past this with the regular cd version and 1.3 and to no avail it still doesn't work...

If you can help me it would be great


btw my system specs are


athlon 1.4

768 megs ddr

Radeon 8500

windows 98 second edition

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I get the same error cept my shader # is 5636096



I'd like to publically thank Lucas Arts for making me pay to be a beta tester.


this is a joke - I had to skip an entire level set because it was bombing out with an corrupt jpeg 0x0c error yesterday.


Lucas you suck.

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