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EIRacer Web Page has won TheAhnFahn seal of approval!

Guest Bounty Hunter

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Guest Bounty Hunter

hey I didn't believe he wen't to my site at first either but he has and he licked it! if you wan't to see the web page worthy of TheAhnFahn click <html><a href="http://members.xoom.com/EIRacer/">Here</a> or paste this web site in your browser: http://members.xoom.com/EIRacer/


check it out!



"Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge. Saynomore!"


-Bounty Hunter

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Guest theahnfahn

So very true. His site was sooo incredible I licked it! It tasted very good, and I hope everyone gets a chance to lick it before all the licking spots are taken up and you are just licking over someone elses licking spot smile.gif


Actually, I didn't really lick it, but I did like it and it is a fun site. I like his challenges idea. I've got a few myself that everyone might care to try if he ever feels like putting some of mine up. I haven't played podracer in sooo long but these challenges are rather fun. Just give his site a look-see - it's a whole lot more fun than hanging around a podracer forum and not talking about podracer smile.gif



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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Guest lightbulba

sounds great! i'll go there with my blender in its holster. don't worry, it's mute.




[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited March 16, 2000).]

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Guest Swedish Jedi

What a refreshing set of ideas to enliven a slightly moribund game. I'm going to see if I can attack some of the missions. To bad that you picked the Spice Mine Run for the latest time trial mission, as I can't use one of Theahnfahn's patented super-secret shortcuts, as I don't know any that exist there.


One problem: the "single player" page just comes up with the main screen page, and not a new page, in my Netscape 4.7. Anyone else have this problem?





The fastest podracer East of Lulea!


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Guest roguetwo

Long time, no type. Yes, I have the same problem, my friend. Also, one of the pages on the Multiplayer Page doesn't work either...I think it is the IP page. Otherwise it's a good site. I'm going to go do that Spice Mine Run race right now. Shouldn't be that hard.



Being a Jedi is an easy task!!---

All it will take is to have a father who was a little strong in the force, then you have to find his lightsaber, and then you acquire force powers just like stickers in a couple of days. Isn't that so easy!!

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