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beveled sky boxes


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You can't give a sky box beveled corners. Skyboxes themselves have to be solid, structural brushes, not meshes.


If you post a screen shot of you editor view, I can probably suggest something.


- Vorax

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well i got no site (kicks the stupid ftp info agaist the wall)

but this is what i want to do. i have a small sky bow with my level in it i have fog span the whole skybox hence the small box to keep frame rates good but the fog in the game show up ass a box (duh) and doesn't look like it streaches far into the distasnce i thought that if i add wide rounded corners it would give the effect of it streaching off in the distance but i cab't make a sky on a bevel

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Fog doesn't ever work right against a sky box. Sky shaders are different in that they have perspective. Even when you walk up to them it never looks like you reach them. Any attempt to make a fog that touches it will look like the fog is a box sitting in the sky. You can merge textures by making your own sky shader to add clouds. There are lots of sample scripts on the net of putitng clouds in the sky. Here is something to get you started:




qer_editorimage textures/yourskydir/yoursky.tga

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks

surfaceparm nolightmap

surfaceparm sky

q3map_sun 1 1 1 175 65 45

skyParms textures/yourskydir/yoursky 512 -


map textures/yourskydir/yourclouds.tga

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

tcMod scale 4 4

tcMod scroll 0.015 0.01





^^ You can change 'yourskydir/yoursky' to one of the ones from the game, but you will need your own clouds texture, beuase I don't think there is one in the game.


You can probably find a sky with moving clouds around the net: try The Wad Father (can't remember the address, just do a search and you will find it).


- Vorax

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sound complicated could you please explain a little more i have no idea how to make a shader i have all the jkII editing tools though and wat should the cloud texture look like my fog ? im useing yavin white well i search for a fog if you could tell me how to combine the sky and fog texture with each other and then that with the fog. and a quick walk through on making shaders im pretty good at figureing things out i just need a few starters thx in advanced

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Ack! No such thing as a quick walk through on shaders ;)...but your in luck..there are several tutorials posted at the top of this forum 'Sticky' ones, I think there is a shader tutorial link in there.


You still won't be able to have fog in the sky though. Only if you are not using a sky shader.


- Vorax

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