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Samurai Mod / TC


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Okay, before I get started, if a samurai mod is already in the works (which I doubt because I figure i would see a thread about it getting replies everyday if there was one in progress), TELL ME PLEASE!!!


So here's my idea (and i know it is not 100% Japanese, that is because I want to make it 110% cool)(yes the 110% is not a mistake):


Title: Nothing yet


Weapons: Katana (I have already tried to contact Bacmeth about him helping out on this, I hope he replies), change the wookie bowcaster to a regular crossbow or a Chinese Cho-Ku-No, possibly a naginata, a horseman's bow, and possibly a spear. The inclusion of the naginata and the spear would depend on whether or not a way can be found to add in multiple melee weapons (hopefully).


Players: Well, for the MP part of the TC every character would be replaced by something like a samurai, a ninja, some imperial official looking person in fancy robes, or a peasant. For single player, the hero would have to be decided.


Maps: A load of duel maps, like for example one in front of a statue of Buddha with some cool trees and waterfalls. For ffa or teamplay, some giant battlefields or some castles would be in order.


Well that is not my entire idea but that is a lot of it. I would plan on being one of the mappers for this project, and I would probably ask for one or two more, and then I would need a modeler or two (hopefully including Bacmeth).


If anyone knows about a samurai mod already being made, please tell me so i can stop making an idiot of myself!!


If anyone knows Bacmeth on a friendship basis, please ask him to reply to the mail i sent him, or tell him to come read this thread!


If you want to help out on this project, send me an email including what part you want, any other ideas you have, and an example of your work!


my email is




Thanks everyone


-Jumbo Monkeyfish

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I would like to help bu i can't map, model, skin (a little bit). I like the idea though.


You could change the bombs bij throwing stars. I wouldn't use a bow but throwable knives. Uhm those little blades like in the turtles and maybe nunshucks. Or what it's called.

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A teenage mutant ninja turtles mod would be hilariously fun!!!


But I wanna do a samurai mod so I'll let other people do the ninja turtles (perhaps Wired Lamp, the veterans here?). It would be very cool to see some mods that didn't try to take themselves seriously at all.


But dang diggitty damn!! Apparently there is no samurai mod, so can I get anyone to pledge their skills??? Maybe I'll just go to the best d00ds out there with my offer myself.


my email is jumbo_monkeyfish@yahoo.com


-Jumbo Monkeyfish

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