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Serious lag w/ EAX audio enabled!


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Your system specs would be most helpfull if you are looking for support.


Does your ping actually increase or does your framerate just decrease?


EAX will create more demand on your system. If your system under powered than this is to be expected.

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Sorry I should have been more specific. The lag Im reffering to is framerate . I've got a 1.2 ghz amd t-bird w/ 512 ram & gf4 ti4400... but I am running the external Extigy USB sound card, perhaps this is the problem? Everything runs super smooth up to 1600x1200, until I turn on EAX. Do I need a faster cpu? Thanks..


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The same problem here. The game become a littly jerky in multiplayer with EAX enabled. That was not a problem before the patch.


Framerate is not affected by this problem and stays at around 80-90 fps. Also lowering resolution or graphics settings don't solve the problem. I play on servers with 50-60 ms latency, so it's not caused by lag.


When I disable EAX the "jerkiness" goes away. My system specs: Athlon XP 1800+, 512 DDR RAM, GeForce 3, Audigy sound card

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Losealot, your specs are nearly identical to mine (I have a GF4 4400) and the same thing happens to me. With EAX enabled on my Audigy, the game will play fine but certain spots on maps will cause the game to get very choppy even though the FPS counter doesn't dip. Since it seems to always happen in the same spots, I think it's probably a screw-up in the implementation of EAX in the game.

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