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A little problem with the Vader-model..


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I downloaded the (also updated) Darth Vader model by SithlordII, and I just love it!! Well, at least fighting against somebody with that model..

But the problem is, when I use Vader myself, the lightsaber Red stance is not looking right up like it should be, but it is kinda sloping/lyes to the right.. It doesn't look good at all since I am used to the right up pointing Red stance, but Vader has it sloping to the right, if you know what I mean.


Is this a bug that only I do have, or will SithlordII fix this in the next update?


//AnabolicJedi :vadar:

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heheheh i didn't do this to make him look more menacing

it was because the damn bolt_r_hand tag would not line up right


in otherwords thats a bit of a bug i could not fix. Played with it for hours, all possible angles, etc

it doesn't affect gameplay nor is it off by much. You might notice that the saber handle is at an angle as well. Bingo.

once i figure out how to fix this, well, any future releases won't have this problem


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hey cheshire

yeah, i didn't know exactly why it did it though

the weapons all seemed to line up just fine, the saber has just been a nuisance to me

which is actually odd, because i have my model lined up directly with the skeleton, i have not moved the skeleton, nor did i move the tag files (to start with) but i still ended up with wierd results


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