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Does theahnfahn exist? (of course he does, but that's for you folks to decide.)

Guest Darth Crater

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Guest Darth Crater

I've noticed a trend in this sort of thread recently, so I've decided to add my phiosophical question. I mean, has anyone ever seen an ahnfahn, save theahnfahn? AHA! I thought not! And what explanation is there for the fact that this ahnfahn is so extraordinarily talented at Racer? Well, it is so obvious, I am surprised we didn't see it in the first place! Only a computer could do so well at a computer game! Theahnfahn must be some sort of computer database, with programmed responses to all of our posts. Of course, I may be wrong, but I think I have the beginnings of a strong argument here. I would very much like to know everyone else's input about this deep and thought-provoking question.

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Guest theahnfahn

computers can't write with pencils wink.gif



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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Guest Darth Crater

Hmmmmmm, the computer database is even programmed to defend itself as existing. Very good, but I'm not fooled.

You know, Frankenstien, people make fortunes off of making fake footprints of abominable snowmen and such; I think you've been had. smile.gif

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Guest theahnfahn

Don't worry everyone, she's just having a minor case of Ahn Fahn shock. Sooner or later I might be able to convince her I'm actually human, but considering the circumstances that may take a while. Until she comes back to her senses, I can assure you we have taken every precaution. We have muzzled her and strapped her down so she doesn't harm herself. Believe me, those teeth are fatal wink.gif



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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Guest Darth Kurgan

While I do not have concrete evidence beyond all possible doubt, I believe he exists (or someone using that name exists, even if it is an alias used by another real person).


That is only my personal belief, and everyone should feel free to decide in there hearts what they believe as well.


I do admit, it might be possible to use the line of reasoning, that what we call "theahnfahn" (for the lack of a better term) may actually be a collection of entities using one name. Thus, this collective, appears to us, with our limited faculties, as one character. Either way, we have no choice but to relate as this being as one entity, as we have no way to prove that there is more than one, objectively.




[This message has been edited by Darth Kurgan (edited March 25, 2000).]

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Guest psyduck78


Tim Chen.........er.........psyduck78 does! smile.gif



I feel the need to say something profound, but I'm drawing a blank.

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Guest wizzywig




While I do not have concrete evidence beyond all possible doubt, I believe he exists (or someone using that name exists, even if it is an alias used by another real person).

That is only my personal belief, and everyone should feel free to decide in there hearts what they believe as well.


Far be it from me to knock your subjective approach to faith in the existence of TheAhnFahn. Certainly, blind faith is fine for some people, but I'm convinced that the only reliable guide to faith in such matters is to approach them skeptically and rationally. We should examine the matter critically and follow the evidence wherever it leads.


The good news is that the existence of TheAhnFahn can be rationally verified on the basis of the scientific evidence. We don't have to take an irrational leap into the dark.


The evidence for the reality of TheAhnFahn consists primarily of a series of coincidences in the source code of Episode 1: Racer that are impossible to explain apart from the existence of TheAhnFahn. I won't take time to list all the coincidences and evidences in this post.


Suffice it to say that this massive body of evidence has already been gathered together and categorized under the label of The AhnFahnThropic Principle.


Books on The AhnFahnThropic Principle are readily available from Amazon.com. The ones I recommend most highly are:


Faster Than C: TheAhnFahn Story by I. M. D. Boontaman

This Universe Ain't Big Enough For the Two of Us by RogueTwo

TAF: The AhnFahnThropic Enigma by Freddy Einstein, with J. Cricket.


I hope these resources are helpful in your search for truth and understanding.






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Guest theahnfahn

LOL WIZ!!! Funniest thing I've seen in a long time smile.gif When Crater posed the question "Does theahnfahn exist", there is more than one approach to answering this. Primarily, in what aspect is she using the term? I suppose she is refering to me, who just so happens to to use that name referenced with my real name, but is there really an AhnFahn out there, all alone in the world? Sadly, there is.


I've mentioned this a number of times - that there is a "real" person under that name, and I had the opportunity to meet him. Nobody in the history of mankind has ever had such a name, so it can't be just coincidence or parental insanity. Under what circumstances would anyone ever have a first name of "The" coupled with two such hilarious, rhyming words?


Well, obviously he's foreign. I have no doubt that some comedian in the immigrant translation department took what was a perfectly good name in Japanese and just plain goofed it up. This is definitely to his advantage, though, and he's set for life. "Who are you?" an employer might ask. "I'm The Ahn Fahn." would be his response. Employer, surprised, says "Oh, THE Ahn Fahn. Any run-of-the-mill Ahn Fahn simply wouldn't do, but obviously you're a notch above the rest. Welcome aboard!"


Hopefully his name will live on in all of us as a reminder that even though he is THE Ahn Fahn, he's not THE ONE AND ONLY Ahn Fahn. Everyone has a little Ahn Fahn in them smile.gif


Oh, and it's not pronounced like The An Fan Crater wink.gif The ah's have the same sound as in audit, audacious, and the British way of saying aunt.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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Guest TrinitY2K

I just have to say it again, wiz... LOL! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


I'm glad you've finally come to your senses, Crater. smile.gif


Sadly, WeedSmoker, I'm just a figment of your imagination. wink.gif



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Guest wizzywig

Trin! Great to hear from you again.


BTW, I had some additional thoughts about this matter of TheAhnFahn's existence.


I know it has been suggested that TheAhnFahn may actually be an artificial intelligence. But if TAF is AI, then surely this means that there must be a Higher Intelligence (HI) who created TAF, and then a Higher Higher Intelligence (HHI) that created the HI, and so on ad infinitum. This endless regression seems to violate Occam's Razor. It is much simpler in theory and in fact to posit an AhnFahn that is self-consistent, and not an AI of any kind.


I would like to see this kind of pointless speculation laid to rest on this thread.





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Guest theahnfahn

Does it really matter what I am? I have feelings and emotions which I share with all of you. My existence is realized in the meaning behind this text, not the text itself. My existence had a start, it's still here, and I hope I won't ever lose it. Isn't that all anyone needs from me? In what sense am I self-consistent, or does it matter? I consist of many parts, all performing separate tasks, some lost in the struggle, some gained from the struggle. I have evidenced here that my many parts work in unison to achieve a purpose. In that sense am I forever changing, forever undergoing a series of processes that approaches something unknown to an Ahn Fahn, yet I retain my identity and am only fulfilling my purpose as The Ahn Fahn. Philosophically I do not exist, for what once was me is now something else, but the concept of my identity remains solely through the realization of conscious members like yourselves. To believe in my existence makes me real; to doubt my existence destroys the concept of my identity and it will have been as if I had never been born. The choice is up to you.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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Guest wizzywig

The choice is up to you.


You have invested the members of this forum with an awesome degree of power.


I'm just one person, but I believe in you, AhnFahn.





"Hypervelocito ergo sum. I pod-race, therefore I am."




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Guest Kurgan

Cleary, "The AhnFahn" (the Aaaaaaaaaa-hhhhhhhhh-nnnnnnn, Faaaaaaaahhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhh-nnnnnnn, *cough* *choke* *hack*) that we "know" through our internet correspondence is only a shadow of the "real" prescense of being the unified ("AhnFahnness" if you will) that controls is. The "Ghost in the machine" without which, "The AhnFahn" of the cybercosmos would simply not exist. So what we see is only a shadow of what really exists (and now please throw my argument out the window with some reference from "The Matrix" please.. I dare you.. c'mon, ya know ya want to..!).


Keep in mind, in many cultures, if you say "I know this guy The AhnFahn" and you'd say he was on the "internet" they wouldn't understand you at all. So it's a culturo-technologically-relative thing. In many places, his "AhnFahnness" simply doesn't exist. Although like he says, there's a bit of AhnFahn in all of us, just for some it isn't doing what "he" is doing with it.



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Guest Ikhnaton

theahnfahn? We can't see him, we can sometimes hear his voice (although it could be anybody's voice or a hallucination), we can't touch him, yet he speaks to us. How do you prove the existence of theahnfahn? You have to believe wink.gif You have to make that leap of faith!




couldn't resist!

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Guest roguetwo

I know this should be in the riddler thread but I was to lazy to look it up.


What races really fast? Supposedly exists? And has Two legs, two ears, a nose, and two ears?

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Guest theahnfahn

It's a farmer, tending to his crops and holding his first two ears of corn to ensure they are getting the water and nutrients needed to sustain them. And I guess he has one hell of a souped up tractor, capable of blinding speeds wink.gif



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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Guest Darth Kurgan

Critical scholars of course would argue that just because WE have a singular conception of TheAhnFahn does not mean that ours is the correct one. It is more likely a culturally constructed INTERPRETATION of what we WANT to see. It is our ideal, that we project into a collective mythological figure that we call TheAhnFahn.


Who is to say that we are right, when it would be just as logical to say it was a team of people who collectively projected all the "signs" that we attribute to this one being. One could be the voice, another the writer, another the game player.


Using a term like "Trinity" to describe this character is only avoiding the issue. Clearly, it is wholly possible that it is more than one person but you are so blinded by your monist attitudes (that you were probably conditioned to by your parents), that you assume it's all one and the same thing.


There are other people who claim to "know" people on this "cyberspace" (where is this cyberspace.. in the clouds?), who also have great "Racing Skills" and other such "powers." On what evidence are you saying that they don't know TheAhnFahn, but you do? How do you know that they aren't really talking to the REAL TheAhnFahn, and you're just talking to a bot, or nothing at all (talking to yourselves)?


Who is to say you are right? Clearly by this evidence, and the contradictory beliefs of the singular TheAhnFahnists, it must be finally acknowledged, that not only is no one theory about AhnFahn correct, but that they are all wrong. It is much more logical to conclude that "he" is simply a construction of our own minds and willful interpretations and metaphysical explanations of phenomena that has other more rational explanations.


TheAhnFahnthropic principle has one fatal flaw.. that is it does not explain "Why TheAhnFahn" this it totally omits explanation of. Cleary then, it is an unsound theory, and should be thrashed with a large trout.



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