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hey unikorn.


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hey man your maps i think were the bomb in that map pack..not saying the otheres werent good but i didnt care for em...

one quick question... when you didn your stairs... how did you make people run up them smoothly instead of all choppy?


it was wls11 i was talking about...dont know why i said wrong name....sorry bout that...

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I assume you mean WLS11, cuz it has the big smooth round stairs (the map with the breakable consoles and rotating things). Unikorn didn't make that map, I did :) Unless you mean WLS3, which has the small stairs from the lower bottom part to the ledge going around the map, which Unikorn did make. Either way, the stairs in both maps are clipped (shaders/clip) on 30 degree angles (as JeGGor guessed).


- Vorax

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