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Calling Agrath, and possibly Darth Kurgan

Guest psyduck78

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Guest psyduck78

Do either of you guys know anything about networking?



I feel the need to say something profound, but I'm drawing a blank.

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Guest Darth Kurgan

Fire away, what do you want to know? If I can't answer it, I'm sure someone else can. I'm by no means the sole world authority on networking.


Argath is the big expert on hardware stuff, but who knows, maybe he has other talents. ; )



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Guest psyduck78

Rock on,

I need to know about how to setup file sharing on a Linux Host to 2 Win98 Comps.


I've got the proxy server setup, but I don't know how to connect to instant messengers like AIM or ICQ through the proxy, can u tell me?

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Guest Argath

Funny you should ask. I set up a network with a Linux box and two Windows computers for a friend of mine the other day.


So you're already able to access the internet through the client computers? If I'm understanding correctly, it should simply require you to look for the proxy settings in AIM and ICQ options and set them up correctly. If you need help with any other aspect of the network, I can walk you through it a bit later, but right now I'm in a bit of a rush. Feel free to ask me any questions you have.

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Guest TrinitY2K

Any questions at all? Well, I have a few of my own questions for our resident Superhero Genius, none other than the great Argath himself. You seem to appear out of nowhere in times of technological crises and then vanish without a trace. Until again, we desperately shine our great "Bat-signal" in the night sky, hoping for your return. smile.gif


Are you just the eternal lurker? Or something altogether different, something we could not possibly comprehend? wink.gif


Who was that masked man?
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Guest psyduck78


here's my question, to clarify things, its the Red Hat Version of Linux(6.1) anywayz, my friend told me that there should be a program called 'natd' or something along those lines that sets up a proxy server and stuff really easily and there's no questions asked, but my only problem is, I can't find that program anywhere! Are you familiar with that?

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Guest lightbulba


...and a darkness will descend upon us...



hell...in albequerque?


[This message has been edited by lightbulba (edited March 31, 2000).]

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Guest Argath

I apologize, I've been without internet access for a while, and have been unable to reply to your question.


Anyway, you may want to read the Networking, IP-Masquerade, and SMB HOW-TO's that should have come with your distribution of Linux (check /usr/doc). If you don't have them, check out www.linux.org , and look in the support section. If you have any problems understanding or setting up a specific part of the network, I can walk you through it, but the entire process is a bit long for me to document here.


I'm not aware of any program that automatically configures every aspect of the network. There is an inetd daemon, but I'm not familiar with any natd program.


[This message has been edited by Argath (edited April 02, 2000).]

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Guest psyduck78

Actually, I'm accessing the internet through an Apache Web Server right now, its not really a proxy server.


Sorry, I read your first post a little late.


I'm slow redface.gif


[This message has been edited by psyduck78 (edited April 02, 2000).]

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