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Stuck on Nar Shadaa Starpad...


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I could use some help here. I've left Lando at the control room and made my way outside to the door with the lock. Cut the lock and entered this room. Took care of business here and went through the door to the left (the blue "tunnel) and into the room where there is a large red opening (reactor of some sort?).


Went into the darkened room to the left and this is where I can't seem to go further. I've used my light goggles and I can hear another door opening on the other side of those columns. Actually, I can see bad guys on the other side but how do I get through this room? I'm stumped and out of batteries!




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Enter the dark room with your light goggles ON, walk up to the crates/columns, turn right, walk as far as you can go, then look up, there should be a shorter crate/column for you to jump onto. You can then reach the other side.

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