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Kejim Help!!!


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Please help with Kejim!


I've killed all Imperials on this level, but don't know what to do now.

There are a couple of doors on the inside of the minging compound that are locked. How do I get thru them?

Or is there a way to hop that transport I see going everywhere?



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Still not sure about the two locked doors, but yes you need to get onto one of the mine carts.


Have you got to the dock room that the cart enters where the room glows red for a few seconds? (The one with the power droid outside and the damaged R5 unit inside). This is where you get onboard. But first you have to deactivate the red glow mechanism. Nearby should be a room with a doors on either side they take you to a platform outside. In this room you can see a video screen from a camera outside showing the carts floating across from the other side of the canyon.


If you look carefully you will see an exhaust port stick out from under that platform. You have to jump onto that then duck as it slides back under the platform. When it does you drop down to a ledge where you can enter the exhaust port, run down here to the bottom of the red glowing room and shoot the pipes to deactivate the red glow. Jump on the lift/platform in the middle to get back into the room above.


Now climb up on top of the structure above you and then jump onto the mine cart when one comes along. Then hopefully you can figure out where to go next.

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