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Give me worldcraft

Olin Valden

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Give me the ability to switch over worldcraft maps to JKII and I can pull maps out of my #@$. (PA for kids :) ) Its so much easier to use, If some one is a programmer make a program that can convert Worldcraft maps to JKII maps. I dont think i could the developers of Worldcraft to do it since they are out of business.

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I made a few maps using worldcraft and I switched to GTK just 3 days ago. I don't think it's anymore difficult to use, there are just come conventions to get used to like:


Using world brushed to select stuff

How you resize brushes


I have to say that manipulating vertices and splitting faces was easier in WC but I think there may just be some stuff I don't know about the verticies manipulation in GTK. Also WC has no mesh editor which would rule out nice curved suraces in any WC made map. I have found GTK more robust over all as well, with verticies less likely to pop off the grid when you're using the clipper.


Just stick at it.


Oh and shift+right click on the 3D window lets you fly around the level much easier than with the keys. Finding this out made my day :)

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