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Sound Effects when player enters certain area for SP map..help!


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There was a thread about this a while back (can't find it anymore).


I recorded a few sound effects for my Single Player level recently in a sound studio (field trip ;) ).


Basically, there'll be a commander giving advice and commands during my Episode.


The problem is, I have yet to figure out how to make a sound file play when the player enters a certain area.


Could anyone tell me exactly how that'd work?

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For MP maps, you need a trigger_multiple and a target_speaker.


Create a brush, make it a trigger, then stick it in the doorway or on the floor or something, then target it at your target_speaker. You will probably also want to add a wait of like 5-10 seconds so the speaker doesn't fire constantly.


That is the simple way to do it. You can get very fancy with target_relays, but start with that.


- Vorax

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I usually just use a "trigger_once", then use "key:noise" and the path to your sound in "value" (eg: sound/effects/glassbreak1.wav). Then there's no need for a speaker. This of course just plays the sound once - which seems to be what you're after.


(Also the game seems to favour sounds recorded at 22.050kHz and in 8bit mono - I use windows sound recorder to save my sounds in this format).

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