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JK2 Modeling Questions

dr Zauis

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Hello everyone!


Im new here, but not new gaming. I have a few questions that i would like to ask you guys.


First off, I have 3D Studio Max 4.2, and have been modeling and all for a few years, yet have never actually tried to model something for any of the games i play. Now, i have gotten into JK2, and i was want to make some great models for the Amazing Characters that were not inculded in the game. Such as people from the books, and from the movies.


Now the question i have is fairly simple. Do any of you have maybe a tutorial on how to start off a model for this game. I am good at box modeling and animations for the character by using Max's bone systems, but i have never attempted this.


I was thinking about making characters from episode 1, such as battle droids and maybe jar jar(i know everyone would hunt him down):p As well as characters from the Jedi Coucil. Or possibly C3PO and or Chewy.


Any and all comments are welcome, Thanks a lot.:jawa

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Hey, welcome...


I'm new to modelling but i do know this:


1. You need SoftImageXSI to animate characters for JO.


2.Unless you wait for the plugin which may never come.


Just some info. maybe someone else to add to this as im just giving my two cents (just because i've got trigger typing fingers :))


Good luck and i would like to see your work on the server someday



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ell.. you would model yousing box modeling.. try to keep you models under 3000.. but if you go a little over its okay.. do not aply a mesh smooth, so try to make it llok as natrual with out this..

then you would cut your model up in pcie adding caps and tags.. (so limbs can cut in right places) lok for tutorials on poly count there is a new one for jedi knight 2.. also jediknightii.net might have the tutorial..

then you would import kyle or storm trooper xsi filex (can import files after you install plug in that comes with tools) then you would delete the mesh and weigh vertexes to the bon system, now your model is animated using their animations.. if you want custome anims. you need softimage as stated..

then you would export as .xsi and you do other stuff, which is staed in tutroials i belie, sorry im not much help, or even ahve links to the tutorials.. but... i think you can find tem...

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Hi there!

Is there any plugin to import *.max files into GMAX?

Why do I have to use Softimage instead of GMAX´s bone system?

How many polys do I have to use TOPS?

I´m working in a mod of my own... won´t tell you the name yet or what it is about...:D


Hope anyone would give me an answer...





"From Argentina to the WORLD..."

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what you can do is find a plug in of some sort for gmax im sure there is one.. if not learn gmax script and make one..

you d=dont need softimage unless you want to ahve a whole new bone structure or \whole new set of animatiosn to your model... but softiomage has a different bones system, more advancred i think..

as for poly count, it all depends on what your target group computers are.. jedi knight 2 models are a max of 3000, with 4 lods, Lod1 highest poly count around 3000, lod2-little less, lod 3, little less, then lod 2, lod 4, around 500 or less..

Though, the 300 is for jedi knights basic system specs, you COULD go above that by maybe 1000-1500 polys or so if you have a stae of the art computer... 2ghz.. geforce 3 or 4, 32-64mb video card, 128mb+ ram....

hope this helped?

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Ok, so i can use max 4.2 but have to send it into xsi or gmax? Is that what you mean, or am i being silly?


And this softimageXSI, is it a free program like GMAX or is it expensive like Max 4.2?


Another thing, do i have to build it on a biped? Or when i import it into gmax, can i then put the xsi file onto it, so it uses a current skeleton


Ive been to polycount, but havent been lately, should see what they know about JK2 there. Thatnks for the responses.


Im thinking about making a nifty battle droid model now, after seeing the new movie.



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Q: Ok, so i can use max 4.2 but have to send it into xsi or gmax? Is that what you mean, or am i being silly?


A: Max will do fine, actually, you CANT use ANY other program except max and softimage gmax will not work either... to make it an xsi file, you would download the jk2 sdk from http://www.jediknightii.net in that there is a max4 plug in to import/export xsi files into max 4.x



And this softimageXSI, is it a free program like GMAX or is it expensive like Max 4.2?


A: Softimage is a VERY expencsive program, around 35,000 maybe more... you do not need this software unless you dont want to use jediknights original animations.


Q:Another thing, do i have to build it on a biped? Or when i import it into gmax, can i then put the xsi file onto it, so it uses a current skeleton

You do not build any bone system of any kind, again gmax is not used at all, what you would do is import the kyle.xsi file that comes with the sdk, and delete the mesh, and keep only the bones (maybe even tags to place them in your model..)

then you would weigh verticies of the mesh to the bones, and if you did this rightm it should be fulle animated, but! you should tag and cap your modelfirst.

capping is when you cut your model up in cedrtain spots, where peice will get cut off, and then put a cap on each limb. with another tag i belive but i am not sure of this process.



I hope this helped.

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Thanks Vegeta, hat pretty much explains it all.


Oh, what section is this sdk located? I cant seem to find it, the site is pretty huge. I must be blind....=P


Now i will get started.


Requests? Shoutouts?

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Thanks for the answers Vegetta, it really helps!

But, as I´m the newbiest at modelling, I want to start with something easy as GMAX, which will lead the way up to 3D Studio Max.

And YES, I want to use custom animations, as the ones provided by the game won´t work with my upcoming mod... I need the code SDK in order to start changing some stuff.

Can´t I use GMAX at all?

Why do I have to use Softimage to do the animations?

3DSMax has an excellent bone system (GMAX too). I´m sure there´ll be some plugin in the near future...


Anyways, thanks for you help...


PS: Can anyone leave a link in this thread for the JK2 modelling tutorial?




"From Argentina to the WORLD..."

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