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HELP: Cairn REactor Central Core


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Hello All -


I love this game. Ive come across my first major problem. Im in CAIRN REACTOR inthe Central Core area where there is the huge, vertical blue beam and there are elevators along the walls that go up and down. I first went up to the top and killed everyone and flipped a switch. This enabled a previosuly "disabled" platform to take me down VERY LOW into the Reactor core where there was a Dark Jedi (Reborn or whtaver you call them). There were a few officers too. I killed them all from standing on a few pipes. I got some key from an officers body. The trouble is, I "Pushed" alot of officers into the abyss. As it stands now, THE DOORWAY OUT AT THE TOPMOST LEVEL WONT UNLOCK< AND THERE ARE NO BODIES LEFT AND NO KEYS, What am I missing? I cant even open the tiny little crate at the medium level either.


Im worried I threw my keys into the abyss with the officers.






PS> I am using a "voice commander" to use force powers. Its great to move around and fight with the saber and then say "Push" and watch your opponent go flying.

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