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Force Push= Stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by Endo'Cun

Go play Quake? I do play quake you nerd.

Force Push is a piss off when every 5 secounds you get pushed on your ass.


so shut it, and no I probably didn't run into you... And i don't suck, i probably can kick your ass in edi Knight and outside of jedi night you no life nerd.


hahaha first of all, learn how to type, k? and second, if you are such a good player then go and stop that force push, I can, and you can't? who sucks now newbie, absorb does many wonders nerdy

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Dude that "you are an idiot" thing is ****ing hilarious!!!!! AHAHAHAH hope there isn;t some evil dark side to that page though... heheh


Maybe I should check the source code hmmm...


As for kicking peoples asses in real life, as a liscensed high horsepower ass kicking machine myself... I can say I am not impressed by your use of threats.


Also It is well documented that any person who needs to resort to personal threats, even vaugue ones of this nature, has already lost the argument.


If you don't like my reply, or those of the others, then try to at least play along with the theme of the "flame" would you?


Rsorting to threats simply revokes your liscense to flame with any respect whatsoever. If your going to flame, make it so everyone can laugh... not simply to hide your own crybaby tears.


As for the rest of these people flaming you, I have one thing to say. go look in the historical documentation of this forum... Now i defy you to count the number of times threads like this have been placed on this forum.


Drain is too strong, absorb is too weak... BITCH MOAN, BITCH BITCH MOAN MOAN.


this game DOEs have imbalances, but sadly, the most obvious imbalance this game has really nothing to do with the game itself at all... the problem is a large chunk of the cuminity has a chemical imbalance if you ask me... and seriously I'd say about 40% of the people posting on this thread need to be whumped upside the head with a holy mackeral or two to knock the chemicals back into place...


This game is great, even with the imbalances that exist. Mods will be made, patches might yet be forthecoming.


Personaly, although TFC was a great game, my favorite HL games are all MODS from private groups of modders!


From the Opera to counterstrike, from they hunger to Firearms!


so get over it... Push is here to stay. the nuetral powers are the only things in the game that most of us can agree upon. they are all well balanced... even if you do get pulled or pushed more than others... think... Is it my fault? or the games? I get pulled a lot myself, and pushed too... But learn to really Own at this game and being pushed around on occasion or even repeatedly will be easily dealt with. No pusher likes to be pushed back tit for tat.


your pushed? stand still wait for them to come in with a swing of their saber or something and push back. viola they end up on thier ass ten feet away. to be evil you could quickly pull right after and do whatever you like if you have the time to do it in at least.

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