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What saber Combat Should be !!


What do u think of this Saber system ??  

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  1. 1. What do u think of this Saber system ??

    • It would be great
    • Good ideas but gotta change them a bit
    • Don t like it

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Well i got to think a lot about 1.02 and 1.03 saber system and got to admit bot of them have defaults

Of course of the two 1.03 is utterly broken ....Autoblock only allow for random victories in duels

And in 1.02 only the Strong Stance is really useful in duels, and medium in some situations ....But blue is utterly useless


Then i came to think about one of my favorite type of games : 2D and 3D fighting games ( u know the street fighter family and its legacy )

And suddenly a bright illumination stroke me : it got be like in those games


Well let me explain u for those who are not familiar with those games

Obviously u can t make parries live in a game cause it needs to be a willing act ( else there is no skill in it .....like autoblocking ), but it would be not possible to be very effective at it if it s manual

That s why Fightin games came up with the basic concept of Guard : if u don t attack then u defend

Well of course that s what the 1.02 used to be ( with exception of Strong style sometimes breakin guard ) ...But the stances weren t balanced

That s where classic fightin games got another thing JK 2 doesn t have : Stun motion


Stun motion happens when u hit your opponent

It then interrupts whatever he was doing ( generally attackin )

It also introduces 2 other concepts : Priority of the move ( if u hit first u win exchange ) and chainable moves ( after stun )


If u apply this to 1.02 Saber play u can see a lot of new possibilities cause the stances would be balanced

Fast Stance users could interrupt quickly and chain to death ( if combos are done properly ) opponents and strong stance would keep its advantadges of long range and powerful hits ( and also break guard ) ....medium stance ...well it s medium : it gets some advantadges of the 2 ( as allways )

Also it would make the Fast stance what it s supposed to be vs gunners : the most usefull . The reason for this being that u could close in on gunners and then chain them to death without fear of being blocked or slashed and interrupted


I think those Tweaks would make saber duels what s they are supposed to be in a FPS environment : Fast ( about 15 seconds more or less ), deadly and skilled mind games


Lastly to finish on Saber fights i think that Push and Pull should have the same effect on saber users in MP that is has in SP ......that is NONE

They totally ruin Saber gameplay in my opinion

Of course it would be subject to defender having force left in his pool and/or same level of pull/push ....but the result should be that a saberist could not be knocked down whatever he do

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There already is a switch built into the game: g_saberaoutoblocking (default 1 = On).


Switching it off (set it to 0) will disable the default autoblocking and require You to bind the blocking function to a key.


Doing that will enable the "autoblocking" (blocking as we know it in JK2), only when pressing that key.


The trick with doing this, is that You can't attack while pressing the block key, which makes for a good attack/block balance in gameplay.


I tried it and I think it's great, but it's pretty hard to use properly.


You can try setting this switch in singleplayer (as a cheat), but it is not implemented in multiplayer as far as I know.


Enabling this function as a serverside option in multiplayer, would IMO give a lot more dimension to the saber duels...and be a greater test of skill.


I hope Raven would at least consider this.



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Well why not jellybelly

But it wasn t what i proposed

In fact the thing i wanted to explain is to keep autoblockin to only when it is supposed to work, that is when u don t attack and u re facing your opponent

What i want is to get rid of so said "parries", coz obviously people don t intent to parry ...it s just too random in a fight

So in fact it s 1.02 system with stun motion that would please me

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Point taken Orangina...


However, I think activating the block function manually would give You more control, as well as require more skill.


I think the more manual control over Your saberfighting You have, the more interesting (and fun) it will get.


I think it would also contribute to gameplay balance greatly, as just charging forward while slashing like a madman will have it's obvious shortcomings...as You would be wide open for attack Yourself (no blocking) doing it.


By the way, there is also a switch called g_sabermovespeed (default 1), that sets how fast You can move while attacking.


Higher than 1 = faster...less = slower. Slowing it down a bit (for example to 0.6) will give You more "movie-like" saber duels, and forces You to plan Your moves more carefully.


Try using it in singleplayer after activating cheat mode (HelpUsObi 1) in console.


This is another function I think would contribute nicely to the game if it was implemented as a serverside option.


Other functions You can try are:


g_saberanimspeed (default 1)...sets the speed of the saber animations (less than 1 is slower, higher than 1 is faster).


g_saberautoaim (default 1 = On)...turning it off (set to 0) will as far as I know enable the more "random" style of the pre-patch multiplayer saber combat.





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Originally posted by Jellybelly

Point taken Orangina...


However, I think activating the block function manually would give You more control, as well as require more skill.


I think the more manual control over Your saberfighting You have, the more interesting (and fun) it will get.


I think it would also contribute to gameplay balance greatly, as just charging forward while slashing like a madman will have it's obvious shortcomings...as You would be wide open for attack Yourself (no blocking) doing it.


By the way, there is also a switch called g_sabermovespeed (default 1), that sets how fast You can move while attacking.


Higher than 1 = faster...less = slower. Slowing it down a bit (for example to 0.6) will give You more "movie-like" saber duels, and forces You to plan Your moves more carefully.


Try using it in singleplayer after activating cheat mode (HelpUsObi 1) in console.


This is another function I think would contribute nicely to the game if it was implemented as a serverside option.


Other functions You can try are:


g_saberanimspeed (default 1)...sets the speed of the saber animations (less than 1 is slower, higher than 1 is faster).


g_saberautoaim (default 1 = On)...turning it off (set to 0) will as far as I know enable the more "random" style of the pre-patch multiplayer saber combat.







There are other possibilities. In fighting games, there are certain stances that are "blocking" or "guard" moves, that automatically defend against most attacks.


Another option is, the stance you are using will determine how much auto blocking you are capable of. Light stance would have the most as it is essentially a defensive stance anyway, medium would be medium, Heavy would have the least as it is the most powerful and the most aggressive.


A third option would be a combination of the two. Each stance has guard stances and the effectiveness of each is determined by the style being used.

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