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What am I doing wrong?


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I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've had the game for about a month, and I still suck at using the saber. All my strategies get me killed, and the veterans just laugh at me when I ask for help. I've tried playing against the bots, playing on ladder, watching people, and I've read all the guys. I can't even spam moves right. I really want to become a good saberist, and I don't want to go back to being a pure gunner. Strategies and Advice are welcome. HELP!!!!!!:(

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if you are dueling.. and force is involved.. get somewhere where there is space.. and move from side to side..


if you stand still you can get nailed by the sabre throw force pull cheeseball tactic..


also you want to draw your opponent towards you.. when he comes in force pull his butt to the floor.. point your butt towards his sorry butt and press backwards plus primary while in medium..


you can try alot of fancy stuff if you like, but it will prolly get you killed.. no matter what -- you do not want to be on the floor.. You wanna knock your opponent to the floor..


In ffa w/ guns -- try to grab the weapon out of his hands.. if you dont manage to do this.. run away..


if its pure sabre.. knock him to the floor.. DONT LET HIM KNOCK YOU TO THE FLOOR!


if its team ffa.. run away from the guy who is using dark rage.. he will knock you to the floor and slice you in half.. it doesnt matter if you try to knock him to the floor.. He has a posse of team healers with him..


if its capture the flag.. use speed.. and knock them to the floor.. (after you drop off the flag)


dont play capture the lizard thing.. or that holocron game..


jedi master is kinda cool.. just run.. and knock any stragglers to the floor..


I was playin this one guy.. He got on my nerves.. I whupped his butt..


He thought he was bad.. He was a freaking dummy.. He got knocked to the floor.. Then he got up and beat the hell out of me.. And knocked me to the floor..


I got back up and knocked him to the floor.. He was being suck a jaggowf..


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The key is to remain calm while fighting. Doing so will allow you to see what moves your opponent is using.


Start a server without bots, and practice chaining moves. Think about a situation that would call for a particular chain. For example, what moves would you use if an opponent is strafing to your left, or jumping over you, or is rolling to your right. You should do this for every stance so you have an effective counter in each.


Make every effort to learn Strong style, it will benefit you if/when you switch to Medium.


Switch stances, and attack profiles. Each stance has it's advantages (and disadvantages). You need to learn these.


Combine offense and defense. Attacking relentlessly is the quickest way to get fragged. Develop a flow to your game, whereby you attack then put space between you and the opponent in anticipation of their counter. You don't need to move too far, if you do it takes longer for you to get within range to counter their counter, or press the attack.


Speaking of range, be aware that Light has the shortest range (meaning you need to be closer to the target to hit it), and Strong has the longest range. Medium is in the middle, natch.


Use Jump to get into position for a strike, and also to avoid being struck. You can also use Jump as a feint.


Speaking of feint, try faking movement one way (right, for example), and attack left. Or fake going in, to make your opponent swing first, and nail him with a well thought out counter.


Detailing moves to you won't help by themself; you need to practice to develop the skillz to *use* the moves in the right situations.





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Play some NF Duels until you get the hang of saber only.


The first thing to do is stop running around and slashing. Stand there and block a few hits then attack.


When you attack let off of the direction key so you dont take yourself away from the target. Hit the side + trigger to start the swing but move forward to bring yourself closer to the target.


When I use the Red hits I will also turn a little before I start the move. So if I am doing a right slash I will turn to the left so when I hit right I am moving towards my target. Then I will rotate my view so the saber is going to hit him at it's peak.


When you hit him and he blocks it will often push his saber to the side. If you learn to chain your attacks you can push his saber away and then follow up with a second attack while his defenses are down.

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