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One last time.....


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Ok, I,m getting frustrated, and am about to quit trying to make things OR get help frompost such as this....

I have posted here (see below) and on other JO sites my questions concerning saber handles and editing in general. So far, while I have seen numerous "view's", I have only been replyed to once (out of 9 questions, thats very a very bad ratio).

I understand that everyone and there mother seems to be more interested in map & MP editing than anything else, but I am very new to this game and editing in general. If I can't even get help with my SP and saber questions, I might as well give up "asking" for help on these sites.

I was told that "the only stupid question, is the one not asked". Well, while I believe this to be true in general, on these sites the oposit seems to be true.

SO, I ask again, no I beg, please help me (and other newbies out) by trying to reply to questions, even if it's "I don't know" or "that was a stupid question". 3 day's straight asking questions on post, with almost 0 reply's is VERY disheartning.

My question is listed a few lines down on this form (and page) under "Elvencrest". Please help out, so I know that at least theres some hope..........


P.S. Sorry for the Bi**h fest. I had (have) such high hopes on getting help from those who not only are better than I am at this, but who also have been this way before themselves.


Thanks, and sorry again for sucuming to the temptations of the Dark Side..................


"frustration leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate to suffering.." Paraphrasing the great YODA!!!!!

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