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The Greatest Has Passed!

Guest Jat`Kidal

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Guest Jat`Kidal

Alec Guinness


April 2 1914 - August 7 2000


i return to you all this day bringing very sad news, as most of you may know, Alec Guinness (Obi-Wan Kenobi) passed away today and truly became one with the force. He was 86 years old.


Let us all take a moment to remember and thank this great actor for all his contributions to the world of entertainment and in particular the star wars universe.


"May the force be with you"

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Guest Entilzar

But he said he hated SW and the SW fans.




My ally is the Force, and a powerfull ally it is.


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Guest Jat`Kidal

Hey Entilzar long time no see! how are you?

you ever played rollcage 2?


Alec said that he did not like the fact that special effects had begun to make the movies and not the actors. Thats understandable, the age of film making that he had grown up with was long gone by 1977. still he played his part for the star wars universe


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